for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

To the Mom with a Messy Home - Blessed Is She

To the Mom with a Messy Home

Sometimes I struggle to keep up with all the mess in my life. And trust me, with a 18-month-old little boy, more often then not there is a lot of...
How to Start a Rosary Group at Your Child’s School - Blessed Is She

How to Start a Rosary Group at Your Child’s School

We’re moms, all of us. That’s what we have in common, along with our Catholic Faith. Every Monday, we drop our big kids at school and meet in the choir...
Fertility and Childbirth: Does More Control Mean More Disappointment? - Blessed Is She

Fertility and Childbirth: Does More Control Mean More Disappointment?

I'm going to preface this by saying that infertility is devastating. It has always been. If we look back through human history, through literature and the Scriptures, we can see...
A Mother's Prayer When Baby Isn't Healthy - Blessed Is She

A Mother's Prayer When Baby Isn't Healthy

“We don’t care what it is, so long as it’s healthy.” I heard this response when parents were asked, “Do you hope it’s a boy or a girl?” A mother...
My Self-Portrait Project + Healing from Miscarriage - Blessed Is She

My Self-Portrait Project + Healing from Miscarriage

It was the proverbial second chance and I was determined to have no regrets. Two blue lines on a white stick. A new baby was on the way. 17 weeks...
How (+ Why) to Build Your Domestic Church - Blessed Is She

How (+ Why) to Build Your Domestic Church

Today marks the 20th anniversary of Pope St. John Paul II’s Apostolic Exhortation Redemptoris Custos: On the Person and Mission of Saint Joseph in the Life of Christ and of...
Our Mother's Prayers - Blessed Is She

Our Mother's Prayers

I used to be the US Military Coordinator for the international ministry, Mother's Prayers. It is a para-liturgical service in which we lay our children down at the feet of...
How to Practice the Works of Mercy as a Family (+ Printable Checklist!) - Blessed Is She

How to Practice the Works of Mercy as a Family (+ Printable Checklist!)

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus instructs us to care for one another out of love for Him. The Golden Rule, the second greatest commandment, and the example of Christ Himself drive...
How to Have a Spiritually Fruitful Summer When Your Kids are Home from School - Blessed Is She

How to Have a Spiritually Fruitful Summer When Your Kids are Home from School

School is out! You can say goodbye to packing lunches, long pick-up lines, homework, and early morning outfit battles. But now what? You have over two months without your kids...
What (Not) to Say to Your Pro-Choice Friends: An Exhaustive Resource for Pro-Life Arguments - Blessed Is She

What (Not) to Say to Your Pro-Choice Friends: An Exhaustive Resource for Pro-Life Arguments

One gray, spring morning, some friends and I were praying outside an abortion clinic when a young couple with heavy faces came walking towards us. The man had his arm...
Fighting Comparison with Gratitude: On Waiting to Have Kids - Blessed Is She

Fighting Comparison with Gratitude: On Waiting to Have Kids

I’ve heard many times, whether it’s from my spiritual director, my mom, or my own conscience, that comparison is the thief of joy. It robs us of the joy of...
The Holy Spirit and Family Planning - Blessed Is She

The Holy Spirit and Family Planning

I should have somehow known my children wouldn't come to me biologically. I was a horrible patient (still am) and detest any type of medical procedure. The Lord looked after...