for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Giving Thanks and Letting Go - Blessed Is She

Giving Thanks and Letting Go

I stand at the kitchen island slicing tomatoes. The lettuce and onion are already on the tray. There are french fries baking in the oven and a pan of brownies...
Praying through Pregnancy: Unique Ways to Offer Intercession - Blessed Is She

Praying through Pregnancy: Unique Ways to Offer Intercession

Pregnancy is a beautiful and often difficult season. A season of waiting, longing, excitement, worry and ultimately, total dependence on Jesus. For me, I have never been more aware of...
Meaningful Ways to Celebrate Your Baby’s Baptism - Blessed Is She

Meaningful Ways to Celebrate Your Baby’s Baptism

It was October 22, 2016, the feast of our family patron Saint, Pope John Paul II. Two-and-a-half years earlier, in the same stone cathedral, our beloved Passionist priest looked at...
Grieving the Loss of My Baby - Blessed Is She

Grieving the Loss of My Baby

My nightstand was cluttered with pre-natal vitamins, anti-nausea medication, and five positive pregnancy tests—all little reminders of the small life inside of me. In the span of a few short...
On the Feast of St. Frances of Rome: A Saint Who Struggled, Too - Blessed Is She

On the Feast of St. Frances of Rome: A Saint Who Struggled, Too

A married woman must, when called upon, quit her devotions to God at the altar to find Him in her household affairs. -St. Frances of Rome   As a mom,...
The Challenges and Opportunities of Fostering Faith in Our Kids - Blessed Is She

The Challenges and Opportunities of Fostering Faith in Our Kids

I am not feeling particularly good at this "fostering faith" thing right now. I thought I was. But, in our house, we have run into a few recent and significant...
Entrusting Our Children to God as They Grow - Blessed Is She

Entrusting Our Children to God as They Grow

In her deep anguish, Hannah prayed to the Lord, weeping bitterly. And she made a vow, saying: Lord Almighty, if you will only look on your servant’s misery and remember...
How to Choose Godparents for Your Child - Blessed Is She

How to Choose Godparents for Your Child

I was so excited when my sister and brother-in-law asked my brother and I to be godparents to their first child, Xavier. As all of us are practicing Catholics, my...
To the Mom with a Messy Home - Blessed Is She

To the Mom with a Messy Home

Sometimes I struggle to keep up with all the mess in my life. And trust me, with a 18-month-old little boy, more often then not there is a lot of...
How to Start a Rosary Group at Your Child’s School - Blessed Is She

How to Start a Rosary Group at Your Child’s School

We’re moms, all of us. That’s what we have in common, along with our Catholic Faith. Every Monday, we drop our big kids at school and meet in the choir...
Fertility and Childbirth: Does More Control Mean More Disappointment? - Blessed Is She

Fertility and Childbirth: Does More Control Mean More Disappointment?

I'm going to preface this by saying that infertility is devastating. It has always been. If we look back through human history, through literature and the Scriptures, we can see...
A Mother's Prayer When Baby Isn't Healthy - Blessed Is She

A Mother's Prayer When Baby Isn't Healthy

“We don’t care what it is, so long as it’s healthy.” I heard this response when parents were asked, “Do you hope it’s a boy or a girl?” A mother...