for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Blessed Chats: Fertility // Secondary Infertility - Blessed Is She

Blessed Chats: Fertility // Secondary Infertility

Welcome to our first Blessed Chats series! Each month, we will dedicate an entire week of blog posts to a topic that affects many of us. These conversations often come...
Blessed Chats: Fertility // A Surprise Baby - Blessed Is She

Blessed Chats: Fertility // A Surprise Baby

Welcome to our first Blessed Chats series! Each month, we will dedicate an entire week of blog posts to a topic that affects many of us. These conversations often come...
Prayer Hacks from One Mom to Another - Blessed Is She

Prayer Hacks from One Mom to Another

Take a deep breath. (Bear with me and give it a try!) Another: in through your nose…and out through your mouth. Stretch your neck from side to side. Relax your...
Saints + Bible Verses to Turn to When Struggling with Infertility - Blessed Is She

Saints + Bible Verses to Turn to When Struggling with Infertility

The intercession of the Saints is real and powerful. Throughout my struggle with secondary infertility I have found such comfort and hope in asking the Saints’ intercession. Spiritual Support During...
Spiritual Growth is Like Stepping into the Ocean - Blessed Is She

Spiritual Growth is Like Stepping into the Ocean

One of my favorite things to do as a mom is to watch our three children at the beach. Through the years I’ve watched the kids go from being barely...
How NFP Helped Me Diagnose PCOS - Blessed Is She

How NFP Helped Me Diagnose PCOS

When my husband Mike and I got married, we knew that we would be open to life within our marriage. In fact, we both wanted children right away. Though we...
Prayers for Children Who Have Left the Church - Blessed Is She

Prayers for Children Who Have Left the Church

As Catholic mothers, we want the very best for our children. We want them to be happy and healthy. We want them to thrive in school, friendship, interests, and talents....
How to Name Your Baby (Catholic-Style) - Blessed Is She

How to Name Your Baby (Catholic-Style)

Names are an important thing, a truth that becomes all the more obvious as a parent trying to choose a name for your child the first time. Some have had...
Building a Catholic Library for Kids - Blessed Is She

Building a Catholic Library for Kids

One of the first gifts I received as a new, first-time mom was a gift of books for my son. As a book lover myself, the gift was much appreciated....
Meals from Our Moms - Blessed Is She

Meals from Our Moms

Mothers are Christ-like in that they lay down their lives for their children. Whether it is in the delivery room, the office, the kitchen, or many miles away interceding on...
Ways to Celebrate Mother's Day When Your Mom is Far Away - Blessed Is She

Ways to Celebrate Mother's Day When Your Mom is Far Away

Since becoming a mother myself, Mother’s Day has become one of my favorite days. Not only because it’s a day that I feel honored and celebrated in my own vocation...
How to Keep Family as a Priority - Blessed Is She

How to Keep Family as a Priority

I thought I lived my life with an intentional awareness of balance in our home life—not too many extracurricular activities for the kids and not too many commitments outside of...