for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

BIS Reviews // Fr. Stu - Blessed Is She

BIS Reviews // Fr. Stu

For all of the causes for concern that are splashed across our screens day after day, I have noticed a trend that is heartening. Over the past several years, entertainment...
BIS Reviews // Call the Midwife - Blessed Is She

BIS Reviews // Call the Midwife

I joined the party almost a decade late, but Call the Midwife is a BBC TV Series that you can begin now without feeling behind. The show is based on...
Hey Kids, Go Watch Juice Box! - Blessed Is She

Hey Kids, Go Watch Juice Box!

"Hey Mom, can we watch a show?" I quickly scanned the house and zipped through my mental checklist. Schoolwork and chores were finished, they had played outside for several hours,...
The Amazing Race + God's Amazing Grace - Blessed Is She

The Amazing Race + God's Amazing Grace

When I was a kid in elementary school, I started watching a series called The Amazing Race. I loved analyzing every task and making decisions based on the clues as...
An Examination of Media Intake - Blessed Is She

An Examination of Media Intake

Does your phone give God glory? Is it a crutch you use to “check out” of life, or is it a tool helping you to “check in” with people and...
BIS Reviews: The New Fatima Movie - Blessed Is She

BIS Reviews: The New Fatima Movie

Recently, my family and I enjoyed a movie night featuring the new release, Fatima. This movie, which can be seen in some theaters, is also available on demand. It revisits...
How to Organize Your Phone Apps to Keep Your Priorities Straight - Blessed Is She

How to Organize Your Phone Apps to Keep Your Priorities Straight

"Your Daily Screen Time This Week Averaged..." The notification popped up on my smartphone and my pulse accelerated. I looked at the hourly average of the time my eyeballs were...
BIS Reviews: The Chosen - Blessed Is She

BIS Reviews: The Chosen

It was mid-March. My six children just returned home from school indefinitely. Our parish was preparing to close its doors to public Masses. There was fear in the air as...
Resources for Pornography Addiction - Blessed Is She

Resources for Pornography Addiction

Our culture is saturated with porn. Most of us have either suffered from addiction to porn or know someone who does (even if we aren't aware of it). Pornography is...
Meaningful Ways to Celebrate Holy Week at Home - Blessed Is She

Meaningful Ways to Celebrate Holy Week at Home

This Lent has been like no other. On Ash Wednesday, we began with a plan for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. But less than three weeks into Lent, life turned upside...
Tips for Watching Mass from Home with Kids - Blessed Is She

Tips for Watching Mass from Home with Kids

We went to Mass as a family the first Sunday in March. We sat in our usual first-row pew, sweated through toddler misbehavior, extremely loud requests for donuts, and whining...
BIS Reviews: The Lion King - Blessed Is She

BIS Reviews: The Lion King

After turning on the news and seeing all of the turmoil that is going on in the world, it's easy to think that the world has abandoned God altogether. It’s...