for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Blessed Victoire + Surprise Saintly Friendships - Blessed Is She

Blessed Victoire + Surprise Saintly Friendships

I peered across the playground, shielding my eyes from the blazing Arizona sun. Laughter emerged from a group of children as they ran playfully through the warm sand. Sweat trickled...
Hey Kids, Go Watch Juice Box! - Blessed Is She

Hey Kids, Go Watch Juice Box!

"Hey Mom, can we watch a show?" I quickly scanned the house and zipped through my mental checklist. Schoolwork and chores were finished, they had played outside for several hours,...
Job Searching with Jesus - Blessed Is She

Job Searching with Jesus

As I scanned the first few lines of the email, I my heart felt as though it sank into my toes. “Thank you so much for your interest in…. At...
Saint Quotes When You Need Rest - Blessed Is She

Saint Quotes When You Need Rest

Is there anything I can say at this time of year that isn’t cliché when it comes to the passing of time or the general sense or urgency where we...
The Ways of the Word - Blessed Is She

The Ways of the Word

This morning, Father approached the ambo, offered the customary greeting and announcement, and began to read the assigned Gospel passage from Mark. As I stood listening, it struck me: “I...
How to Get Out of a Spiritual Funk - Blessed Is She

How to Get Out of a Spiritual Funk

Throughout my life as a Catholic Christian, I have had moments of abundant grace and peace when my life is well ordered, I am centered on Christ, and prayer comes...
The Amazing Race + God's Amazing Grace - Blessed Is She

The Amazing Race + God's Amazing Grace

When I was a kid in elementary school, I started watching a series called The Amazing Race. I loved analyzing every task and making decisions based on the clues as...
Saint Quotes for When You Need Peace - Blessed Is She

Saint Quotes for When You Need Peace

Halloween and All Saints' Day are behind us. Thanksgiving and Advent are imminent. And Christmas and New Year’s Eve are only a few weeks behind. While this time of year...
Morning Prayer + Our 5 Senses - Blessed Is She

Morning Prayer + Our 5 Senses

As a 20-something unmarried gal, I pretty much have full reign over my daily schedule including how and when I pray. This state of life brought about a sweet season...
Stop Striving and Start Surrendering - Blessed Is She

Stop Striving and Start Surrendering

We have our favorite sins: those sins we find ourselves confessing over and over again. Those sins that always seem to make an appearance, despite our greatest efforts at overcoming...
You're Thinking About Getting the BIS Advent Devotional, But... - Blessed Is She

You're Thinking About Getting the BIS Advent Devotional, But...

Now that November has arrived, our attention turns to the approaching holidays. We began to make lists and plans, bake treats and ideas for gatherings, and renew our commitment to...
What to Do When You Struggle to Forgive - Blessed Is She

What to Do When You Struggle to Forgive

"Forgiveness is letting the prisoner go free, only to know the prisoner is me" is an adage that could not be truer in Corrie ten Boom’s life. In her book,...