for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Ideas for Displaying Palm Sunday Palms Around Your Home - Blessed Is She

Ideas for Displaying Palm Sunday Palms Around Your Home

Sisters, please tell me I am not the only one who has, admittedly more than once in my life, lost a palm from Palm Sunday. Some time in between folding...
Making Holy Week New - Blessed Is She

Making Holy Week New

Tomorrow, we enter into the holiest week of the Church’s year. If you experienced God’s love and mercy in a new and powerful way this Lent, Holy Week may be...
Renewal and Encouragement for Lent - Blessed Is She

Renewal and Encouragement for Lent

Like a new year, Ash Wednesday can come with excitement, plans, and goals. We are determined that this Lent will be the best Lent ever! Perhaps you had at the...
Giving Alms by Shopping Ethically - Blessed Is She

Giving Alms by Shopping Ethically

Almsgiving is one of the most prominent aspects of our Faith’s Lenten practice. We all know that Lent is a time to give more than our norm, and I think...
3 Ways to Have a Fruitful Lent - Blessed Is She

3 Ways to Have a Fruitful Lent

As Lent is the time for greater love, listen to Jesus’ thirst…He knows your weakness. He wants only your love, wants only the chance to love you. -Saint Teresa of...
The 2018 Lent Journal: An Interview with the Author - Blessed Is She

The 2018 Lent Journal: An Interview with the Author

Lent begins in just a few weeks, and once again, your Blessed is She sisterhood is excited to walk through this rich liturgical season with you. In an effort to...
Spiritual Darkness - Blessed Is She

Spiritual Darkness

As a child, I used to wonder why we called Good Friday good. As I get older and grow more and more in love with God, days like those of...
Miscarriage and My Holy Week Journey - Blessed Is She

Miscarriage and My Holy Week Journey

It was Holy Week 2012. I was grieving a child I would never get to hold, and whose face I would never get to see. Holy Week 2011 I had...
Best-Lent-Evah-itis (Like Senioritis But Worse) - Blessed Is She

Best-Lent-Evah-itis (Like Senioritis But Worse)

I sometimes discover myself holding a funny tool to measure ‘success’ the spiritual life. Here we are: deep into Lent. At this point you and I might be tempted to...
Just Keep Going:  A Little Lenten Encouragement - Blessed Is She

Just Keep Going: A Little Lenten Encouragement

We are one third of the way through Lent . . . how goes things, my friends? Are you ready to throw in the towel yet? Are you sitting on...
Lent for the Married - Blessed Is She

Lent for the Married

Andrew and I were passing ideas back forth—sweets, alcohol, eating between meals. What to give up for Lent? I could do the typical, but I want this year to be...
A Glimpse Into Fat Tuesday from a New Orleans Native - Blessed Is She

A Glimpse Into Fat Tuesday from a New Orleans Native

When we are talking liturgical year, I know Fat Tuesday is the term most people use to describe the day before Ash Wednesday. But as a New Orleans native, for...