for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Advent and Christmas Books for Children - Blessed Is She

Advent and Christmas Books for Children

Sitting down with my children and opening one of our treasured Advent and Christmas picture books has become a dear part of our seasonal family traditions. There is something magical...
Living Liturgically During Advent - Blessed Is She

Living Liturgically During Advent

Advent is, by its very nature, a season of waiting and anticipation, not a destination. But to me this year, it does have a sense of being a “grand finale.”...
Bringing the Light: Preparing for Advent - Blessed Is She

Bringing the Light: Preparing for Advent

One of my favorite memories of our first home in Minnesota was going out on a cold night (which we had no business going out into). It was probably near...
Bearing Light Advent Journal // An Interview with the Designer - Blessed Is She

Bearing Light Advent Journal // An Interview with the Designer

Our social media feeds are lighting up with the sharing of this year's Advent Journal, Bearing Light. We've all been captivated by the beautiful cover design, which will compel us...
Bearing Light Advent Journal // An Interview with the Editor - Blessed Is She

Bearing Light Advent Journal // An Interview with the Editor

As we prepare to celebrate Advent together as a sisterhood, we're deep diving into the creation of this year's Advent Journal called Bearing Light. We sat down with Blessed is...
Weekly Wallpaper // 140 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 140

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. // Psalm 34:19 This week we have two wallpapers for you, both beautifully designed and lettered by Carolyn of Brass & Mint Co....
Weekly Wallpaper // 138 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 138

Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst. // John 6:35 Download and...
Weekly Wallpaper // 137 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 137

The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs. // Psalm 145 Download and share these beautiful wallpapers from Erica of Be a Heart. You can purchase...
Weekly Wallpaper // 136 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 136

Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted. // Matthew 15:13 Yikes, I think to myself. Is that what it is You've been doing? Everything that...
Weekly Wallpaper // 135 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 135

Three times I begged the Lord about this, that it might leave me, but he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in...
Weekly Wallpaper // 133 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 133

And let the peace of Christ control your hearts, the peace into which you were also called in one body. // Colossians 3:15 Download and share this beautiful wallpaper from...
Weekly Wallpaper // 132 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 132

Today... the Church contemplates the Holy Family. At the school of Nazareth every family learns to be a workshop of love, unity and openness to life. // Pope Saint John...