for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

The Heart Behind This Year's Advent Devotional (a Q+A with the Writers!) - Blessed Is She

The Heart Behind This Year's Advent Devotional (a Q+A with the Writers!)

We are thrilled to introduce the narrator and writers of our Advent reflection book for 2020: Maranatha: The Story of Our Savior. 2020 Advent Writers (on the Heart Behind This...
Advent is Still Coming, Jesus is Still the Savior - Blessed Is She

Advent is Still Coming, Jesus is Still the Savior

The year 2020 has been...a bit much. I'd venture to guess that most of us are weary and honestly, still trying to figure out what just happened. But there's always...
The Basilica at Bethlehem - Blessed Is She

The Basilica at Bethlehem

Last December I felt I was entering in to the season of Advent in a deeper way than previous years. It was a time for me in which I intentionally...
Decluttering Before Christmas - Blessed Is She

Decluttering Before Christmas

“Let every heart prepare Him room.” It’s one of my all-time favorite lines from one of my all-time favorite Christmas songs. I tend to think about it all season long...
An Advent Booklist for Adults - Blessed Is She

An Advent Booklist for Adults

Happy third week of Advent, sisters! I hope this season has been fruitful so far, but if it hasn’t, and especially if it hasn’t, we have a few suggestions of...
Waiting in Darkness - Blessed Is She

Waiting in Darkness

I have been thinking a lot about the dark as the northern hemisphere creeps toward the longest night of the year. As an early riser, I notice these changes as...
The Feast of St. Lucy + Meaningful Traditions - Blessed Is She

The Feast of St. Lucy + Meaningful Traditions

Maybe it’s because our names share the same meaning, but I’ve always felt a connection to Saint Lucy. Both Lucy and Claire mean “light” and I am reminded of G.K....
How to Celebrate and Observe the Three Comings of Christ - Blessed Is She

How to Celebrate and Observe the Three Comings of Christ

Advent is here and as is the case every year, modern disciples are looking for ways to better enter into the liturgical season. We seek the collective wisdom of the...
How to Wait Until Christmas to Celebrate (While Still Living in the World) - Blessed Is She

How to Wait Until Christmas to Celebrate (While Still Living in the World)

Today is the second day of Advent. An entire season, filled with joyful anticipation and expectant hope, awaits us. The candles on the Advent wreath stand tall, eager to help...
Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 6 - Blessed Is She

Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 6

Our 2019 Advent Journal, All the Generations: From Genesis to You, is an offering written by our entire Blessed is She team! For the first time this year, we will...
Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 5 - Blessed Is She

Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 5

Our 2019 Advent Journal, All the Generations: From Genesis to You, is an offering written by our entire Blessed is She team! For the first time this year, we will...
Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 4 - Blessed Is She

Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 4

Our 2019 Advent Journal, All the Generations: From Genesis to You, is an offering written by our entire Blessed is She team! For the first time this year, we will...