for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 3 - Blessed Is She

Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 3

Our 2019 Advent Journal, All the Generations: From Genesis to You, is an offering written by our entire Blessed is She team! For the first time this year, we will...
Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 2 - Blessed Is She

Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 2

Our 2019 Advent Journal, All the Generations: From Genesis to You, is an offering written by our entire Blessed is She team! For the first time this year, we will...
Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 1 - Blessed Is She

Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 1

Our 2019 Advent Journal, All the Generations: From Genesis to You, is an offering written by our entire Blessed is She team! For the first time this year, we will...
The 2019 Blessed is She Catholic Advent Journal for Women: All The Generations - Blessed Is She

The 2019 Blessed is She Catholic Advent Journal for Women: All The Generations

Where we come from matters. Despite our experience of family life, our origin stories play a large role in who we are today. What our grandmothers, and great-grandmothers, and great-great-great-great-great...
Cultivating Closeness with Your Family this Coming Advent - Blessed Is She

Cultivating Closeness with Your Family this Coming Advent

If there’s one thing I picture most vividly when I think ahead to Advent, it’s moments with my family. I remember racing with my siblings to be the first to...
What's Next After Advent and Lent? - Blessed Is She

What's Next After Advent and Lent?

If you have enjoyed walking through Lent or Advent with the thousands of other women doing the Blessed is She liturgical journals, you may be wondering what's next. How can...
The Catholic All Year Compendium Review - Blessed Is She

The Catholic All Year Compendium Review

The phrase “liturgically correct” is one of my favorites in the English language. I like how it looks, how it sounds, and what it means; that is, roughly, “in line...
When the Holidays Make Your Grief Bigger - Blessed Is She

When the Holidays Make Your Grief Bigger

Everyone has a story. When I meet people for the first time and express genuine interest in their lives, many respond dismissively. “Oh, my life isn’t that exciting. It’s pretty...
Celebrating St. Nicholas Day: Unique Ideas - Blessed Is She

Celebrating St. Nicholas Day: Unique Ideas

I’m not going to lie, friends. Prior to writing this post, I did not know much about St. Nicholas. Sure, I knew the familiar Christmas tunes, the heated debates of...
Songs of the Season: Advent Music vs. Christmas Music - Blessed Is She

Songs of the Season: Advent Music vs. Christmas Music

Welcome to Advent, sisters! Isn’t it wonderful that the time has come to prepare for Christ’s birth yet again? What an absolute joy and gift! Yesterday at Mass, you saw...
A Great Light // The 2018 Advent Gathering - Blessed Is She

A Great Light // The 2018 Advent Gathering

Every year, in the midst of Advent, we as a sisterhood take pause for a one-day retreat together. Although we're scattered throughout the entire world, we carve out time in...
Catholic Books to Savor this Advent - Blessed Is She

Catholic Books to Savor this Advent

Every year, around this time, I start to feel a bit weary. The fatigue I feel toward the end of the calendar year can be likened to how a runner...