for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

From Counting Shortcomings to Counting Blessings - Blessed Is She

From Counting Shortcomings to Counting Blessings

I’ve been running around the house the last few days like a drill sergeant with a severe case of OCD. “What?!” I shriek at my lovable toddler as he tracks...
Being a Light on Your College Campus - Blessed Is She

Being a Light on Your College Campus

As a Catholic college student, it is easy to be tempted to despair at times when one sees the state of their college campus. The culture of college seems to...
Grappling with Generosity - Blessed Is She

Grappling with Generosity

Almost every evening as I head home from work, there is a homeless veteran perched at the end of the highway exit where cars line up at a red light....
When Your Faith is Lukewarm - Blessed Is She

When Your Faith is Lukewarm

Many of us have had the moment, the year, or the retreat when we just felt it. Felt Him. It might have been an amazing Bible study, devout friend, retreat,...
The Annunciation: One "Yes" at a Time - Blessed Is She

The Annunciation: One "Yes" at a Time

The Annunciation is a marvel to me. As it should be, I suppose. You see, unlike so many women who hoot and holler with joy at the news of a...
Helping Our Daughters Be Free and Confident - Blessed Is She

Helping Our Daughters Be Free and Confident

Throughout the Gospels, there seems to be a growing awareness, astonishment, and even discouragement in the disciples about how difficult it is to enter the kingdom of God: When the...
Spiritual Showers Bring Spiritual Flowers - Blessed Is She

Spiritual Showers Bring Spiritual Flowers

When God created mankind, He gave us five senses. Our senses help us to understand and interact with the physical world around us. Being made in God’s image and likeness,...
Loving God with Our Hearts, Souls, and Minds - Blessed Is She

Loving God with Our Hearts, Souls, and Minds

We are all invited to be part of the world’s greatest love story. God’s ultimate desire is for us to become one with His complete and perfect love. And if...
MYSTERY: Discovering the Depth of the Rosary - Blessed Is She

MYSTERY: Discovering the Depth of the Rosary

Perhaps the best person to teach us about the life of Christ is His mother, Mary. After all, she was there with Him from the moment of the Incarnation to...
Believing I'm Beloved - Blessed Is She

Believing I'm Beloved

I stand in line in the grocery store, and my line of vision drifts to the magazine stand next to me. And suddenly, I’m inundated with images of women. Women...
How to Cultivate Hope When You're Not Feeling It - Blessed Is She

How to Cultivate Hope When You're Not Feeling It

Many of us are facing the longest, coldest, most dreary part of the year. Winter has us in its grasp and we’re immersed in the penitential season of Lent. Now...
Why I'm Jealous of Converts (and What They Teach Me) - Blessed Is She

Why I'm Jealous of Converts (and What They Teach Me)

I am a cradle Catholic. There, I said it. I wish I could share my conversion story and tell of an intensely earnest, perhaps even tear-stained journey from where I...