for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

A Look at Gaudete et Exsultate - Blessed Is She

A Look at Gaudete et Exsultate

It seems like each week a new picture or story about Pope Francis pops up in the news. The love of God the Father is revealed in the beautiful and...
Practicing Humility in an Achievement-Driven Culture - Blessed Is She

Practicing Humility in an Achievement-Driven Culture

Ever notice how the virtues we pray for grow in proportion to the number of times they’re tested? It’s common sense, really, but somehow it always still seems to surprise...
How to View Media Through the Lens of Faith - Blessed Is She

How to View Media Through the Lens of Faith

I grew up attending private Catholic schools, youth conferences, and retreats. I was exposed to the Gospel on a regular basis. As a child, and especially as a teenager, I...
National Champion - Blessed Is She

National Champion

It was 2 a.m. and I couldn’t sleep. Granted, my team and I had just won a national championship a few hours ago, but I knew that that wasn’t the...
Be a Missionary to Ireland (Without Leaving Your Home) - Blessed Is She

Be a Missionary to Ireland (Without Leaving Your Home)

When The Blessed is She team first discerned and decided that the theme of the Blessed is She retreats for 2018 would be Wild, I had no idea just how...
The Spirituality of Sleeping Alone - Blessed Is She

The Spirituality of Sleeping Alone

In our culture, sleep is one of the most intimate things we do. Sleeping around people requires a level of trust. Anyone who has had their face drawn on at...
Seeking Conversion in the Beauty of Ordinary Time - Blessed Is She

Seeking Conversion in the Beauty of Ordinary Time

When you set a goal to eat healthily and turn to resources to help you do so, one theme you’ll see repeatedly is that the green smoothies and salads you...
Pentecost and the Mother of the Church - Blessed Is She

Pentecost and the Mother of the Church

The past two years, I’ve prepared my 8th grade students for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Our diocese always schedules this as close to Pentecost as possible. Working with my students,...
What The Office Taught Me About the Beauty of Ordinary Life - Blessed Is She

What The Office Taught Me About the Beauty of Ordinary Life

I love NBC’s hit television series The Office. I converted all my family and friends into fans and quotes from the characters are part of my daily conversations. My high...
4 Things I Learned About Faith as a College Student - Blessed Is She

4 Things I Learned About Faith as a College Student

What do you think about when you hear the words “American college culture"? If you are anything like me as a high school student, this phrase brings to mind two...
5 Ways to Be More Like Mary - Blessed Is She

5 Ways to Be More Like Mary

May is a wonderful month for so many reasons. Spring flowers are in full bloom, the air is fresh, and birds chirp as they happily feather their nests. It seems...
Gym Time with Jesus: Nurturing Body and Soul - Blessed Is She

Gym Time with Jesus: Nurturing Body and Soul

She girds herself with strength; she exerts her arms with vigor. -Proverbs 31:17 Have you ever invited God to workout with you? Perhaps you’re already leading a healthy lifestyle and...