for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Whatever He Does is Well Done - Blessed Is She

Whatever He Does is Well Done

Here we are halfway through the middle of July already, and I never made a single resolution for 2015. Truthfully, I'm not much for making resolutions at the start of...
#BISsisterhood Link-Up // MAKING TIME - Blessed Is She

#BISsisterhood Link-Up // MAKING TIME

Today we are talking about MAKING TIME. Our priorities become clear when we look at what we choose to give our time to in our day-to-day lives. What is important...
#BISsisterhood Link-Up // FREEDOM - Blessed Is She

#BISsisterhood Link-Up // FREEDOM

Today we are talking about FREEDOM. "For freedom Christ has set us free; stand fast therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1 Christ died...
Self Control is More Important Than Saving Rent - Blessed Is She

Self Control is More Important Than Saving Rent

I marry my fiancé, Steven, in 95 days. Wow. For part of our relationship, Steven and I lived in seperate states. I worked as a campus ministry intern in Virginia,...
The First Day I Felt Alone - Blessed Is She

The First Day I Felt Alone

I remember the first day I felt alone. We were all giggling around the lunch table, the popular girls and I, and we were looking at our other classmates, laughing...