for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Catholic Baby Registry (Catholic Gift Ideas for a Baby Shower) - Blessed Is She

Catholic Baby Registry (Catholic Gift Ideas for a Baby Shower)

One of the most common inquiries I see and hear within Catholic Facebook groups is for gift recommendations for newborn babies. It’s a popular topic that yields lots of comments,...
Shepherd + King - Blessed Is She

Shepherd + King

The King of love my shepherd is, whose goodness fails me never; I nothing lack if I am his, and He is mine forever. Where streams of living water flow...
Pearls + Silk - Blessed Is She

Pearls + Silk

Pearls entwine with silk, wine and milk. Life is made to stare up at the stars to converse and share dreams, sorrows, cares. Our Father in Heaven hears every word,...
Storms + Sails - Blessed Is She

Storms + Sails

Loving God, maker of heaven and earth, protect us in your love and mercy. Send the Spirit of Jesus to be with us, to still our fears and give us...
Teach + Lament - Blessed Is She

Teach + Lament

How long, O Lord, must your people suffer? How far can a Church bend before it breaks? How much more can we take? I am angry at the men who...
Calling + Coming - Blessed Is She

Calling + Coming

Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life: Such a Way, as gives us breath: Such a Truth, as ends all strife: Such a Life, as killeth death. Come, my Light,...
Leaves + Trees - Blessed Is She

Leaves + Trees

I think my mind will always, at the autumn time of year, drift to an old Jesuit. The letting go of fall, The relinquishment of harvesting The giving of gratitude’s...
Calm + Constant - Blessed Is She

Calm + Constant

Slow me down, Lord. Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind. Steady my hurried pace with a vision of the eternal reach of time. Give...
Rose + Face - Blessed Is She

Rose + Face

My dearest Mother Mary, behold me, your child, in prayer at your feet. Accept this Holy Rosary, which I offer you in accordance with your requests at Fatima, as a...
Security + Love - Blessed Is She

Security + Love

My heaven it is to feel in me some likeness blest To Him Who made me and my soul hath reconciled; My heaven it is always beneath His eye to...
Beauty + Love - Blessed Is She

Beauty + Love

In the golden light of morning I carefully imagined you to being. I curated each color of you. Every shade creating intricacy and depth. Edges and bends harmonized to create...
Sanctify + Love - Blessed Is She

Sanctify + Love

O my God! I offer Thee all my actions of this day for the intentions and for the glory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I desire to sanctify every...