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Alexa, Let It Be Done - Blessed Is She

Alexa, Let It Be Done

For a couple of years, I was reluctant to add smart devices to my home. I scoffed thinking, Why do I need an Alexa to turn off my light when...
December 04, 2020
He Sees and Knows Me - Blessed Is She

He Sees and Knows Me

Hands folded on the kitchen table, I sat bleary eyed staring at the scratches on its wooden surface. I was coming down from one of those gut-wrenching sobs with my...
November 16, 2020
Getting Off My High Horse - Blessed Is She

Getting Off My High Horse

“Ugh, why does this keep happening?” I sighed exasperated to myself as I wrote another referral for a child to have all his dental treatment under general anesthesia. This child...
October 15, 2020
A Patient Guide  - Blessed Is She

A Patient Guide 

A little over a year ago, it was an evening like any other. Our kids were fed and we were winding down our evening with playtime, books, and baths. I...
September 05, 2020
Completely Radiant - Blessed Is She

Completely Radiant

We were in the bathroom in front of the floor-length mirror, putting the finishing touches on my sister's wedding hair and make-up, fastening the last few buttons of the dress,...
August 22, 2020
Seeds on the Ground, Spaghetti on the Floor - Blessed Is She

Seeds on the Ground, Spaghetti on the Floor

Mealtimes at our home are—how shall I put it—challenging. With three young children, our mealtimes are spent bargaining, cutting everything into choke-resistant pieces, keeping the food separated on the plate,...
July 12, 2020
Suddenly, I Can Hear - Blessed Is She

Suddenly, I Can Hear

Earlier this year, I was feeling an intense sense of spiritual desolation. As of January 1st, I had set out to read more Scripture, pray my Rosary every day, and...
June 16, 2020