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His Holy Dwelling Place - Blessed Is She

His Holy Dwelling Place

The sunlight flickered through the windows as my four-year-old son wandered restlessly around the church foyer. I sat outside the glass of the adoration chapel, blocking out his little noises,...
February 23, 2020
Faith When We Don't Understand - Blessed Is She

Faith When We Don't Understand

Imagining the reactions and thoughts of Saint Peter is something I never tire of as I read the Gospels. He has many strange encounters throughout the Gospels. Jesus asks him...
February 22, 2020
I Will Follow - Blessed Is She

I Will Follow

"Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me" (Mark 8:34). I read this verse from Mark and my heart does two things...
February 21, 2020
The Lord Hears Our Cries - Blessed Is She

The Lord Hears Our Cries

"I'm sorry, my mouth is so bad," a young woman tells me with downcast eyes and a look of shame on her face. "I've been afraid to come because I...
February 20, 2020
The Hard Hope of Healing - Blessed Is She

The Hard Hope of Healing

“It will take patience and work, and it’ll hurt at times; but we’re going to get you taken care of.” I absorbed the doctor’s words during what was my seventh...
February 19, 2020
He Loves Us More than I Love Granola Clusters - Blessed Is She

He Loves Us More than I Love Granola Clusters

“Do you still not understand?” (Mark 8:21) They had dumped the paltry remains of my favorite granola, half into the sink, half into the garbage. They came, they fought, they...
February 18, 2020
Mountains, Monkeys, and Perfect Perseverance - Blessed Is She

Mountains, Monkeys, and Perfect Perseverance

It was the adventure of a lifetime. Six breathtaking days up the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro, starting first in lush rainforests and along crystal clear streams of snow melt, and...
February 17, 2020
Read, Pray, Ask to Deepen Our Faith - Blessed Is She

Read, Pray, Ask to Deepen Our Faith

Another late night phone call, going back and forth over what the Church teaches on this and that it ended where it usually did. He asked me, “Well, why don’t...
February 16, 2020
Multiplying Your Offerings - Blessed Is She

Multiplying Your Offerings

I have been troubled by the same question that burdens many women, “Am I enough?” This question seeps into our hearts, oftentimes as a result of a culture that endlessly...
February 15, 2020
Longing for Love - Blessed Is She

Longing for Love

I gazed out at idyllic sweeping meadows and the soaring Alps above me, almost convinced I'd been dropped in the Sound of Music instead of a summer internship—save for my...
February 14, 2020
False God: From Taylor Swift to Solomon - Blessed Is She

False God: From Taylor Swift to Solomon

I am not sure if you have had the chance to Taylor Swift’s most recent album, Lover, but there is one particularly disturbing track entitled "False God." It basically entails...
February 13, 2020
The Little Things Matter - Blessed Is She

The Little Things Matter

I sit sipping coffee on the couch of a friend. We get caught up on each other's kids, our husbands' jobs, and what new shows we've been watching. There's a...
February 12, 2020