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What's Your Family Story? - Blessed Is She

What's Your Family Story?

During a drought in 1936, as the United States slowly crawled out of the Great Depression, my great grandfather’s berry crop failed. His father pointed out that their small town...
March 18, 2020
Forgiveness Is Fire - Blessed Is She

Forgiveness Is Fire

Forgiveness is fire. I’d rather avoid it. I hate to go near it. The closer you get, the hotter you feel—and the more you fear the burn. But Jesus said...
March 17, 2020
Militant Demands and God's Greater Plan - Blessed Is She

Militant Demands and God's Greater Plan

A few short years ago, I held the title of Army Commander, just like my friend Naaman (2 Kings 5). He was plagued with leprosy; I've struggled for years with...
March 16, 2020
No Spoilers - Blessed Is She

No Spoilers

If you and I were chatting about life over brunch, I'd tell you—with a laugh—that "I just wish I knew how the story unfolds and how God makes sense of...
March 15, 2020
Relax in His Delight - Blessed Is She

Relax in His Delight

A few years ago, I helped with a “busy student retreat” at a Newman Center. Over the course of a long weekend, several young women from the university signed up...
March 14, 2020
Taking Gifts for Granted - Blessed Is She

Taking Gifts for Granted

Joseph and his coat. Jealousy, envy, comparison, greed, and malice. The mind and heart can be dark places, can't they? The landowner and his vineyard. Jealousy, envy, comparison, greed, malice,...
March 13, 2020
Finding My Worth in the Heart of Jesus - Blessed Is She

Finding My Worth in the Heart of Jesus

Although I wasn’t looking at him, I could feel his eyes upon me. I slowly turned towards him and smiled. When he returned the smile, my heart raced with satisfaction....
March 12, 2020
What's in It for Me? - Blessed Is She

What's in It for Me?

“Oh yeah, I guess you can come, too.” Not an enthusiastic invite, but I breathed a sigh of relief all the same. The chatter of the girls turned again to...
March 11, 2020
Redemption Isn't a One-Time Deal - Blessed Is She

Redemption Isn't a One-Time Deal

According to Webster, redemption means the act of making something better or more acceptable, the act of exchanging something for money, the act of buying back or repurchasing, or in...
March 10, 2020
Compassion that Overwhelms - Blessed Is She

Compassion that Overwhelms

Her hands trembled as she nervously gathered her hair away from her sweat-soaked neck. She was nineteen years old and pregnant. We were in my van, driving to a crisis...
March 09, 2020
The Transfiguration Wasn't on Instagram - Blessed Is She

The Transfiguration Wasn't on Instagram

For years, Instagram has been a space where I deposit my musings in prayer, and I have loved sharing the Lord’s faithfulness through every season. However, about a year ago,...
March 08, 2020
Law-Law-Land - Blessed Is She


As a teenager, I could not wrap my head around why my parents had (what felt like) a million rules. I was not allowed to ride in cars with other...
March 07, 2020