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A Turn to the Stern - Blessed Is She

A Turn to the Stern

When I was very young, my family took a vacation on a lake. It was not something we had done before, and I was delighted to spend every minute I...
March 06, 2020
The Best Gift Giver - Blessed Is She

The Best Gift Giver

My fingers tapped the steering wheel distractedly as the traffic slowed and I struggled to focus in on prayer: The second Joyful Mystery is the Visitation . . . Our...
March 05, 2020
He Wants to Forgive - Blessed Is She

He Wants to Forgive

In the first couple of years after my reception into the Catholic Church, I struggled with trusting in the mercy of God, particularly in the Sacrament of Penance. I would...
March 04, 2020
Holy Is His Name - Blessed Is She

Holy Is His Name

My insides cringed when he said it, but I didn't let my face betray my emotions. Sucking in a short, sharp breath, I realized that I would never grow accustomed...
March 03, 2020
Spending God's Mercy - Blessed Is She

Spending God's Mercy

I am rich, but there was a time when I was poor and had no faith. I am full, but there was a time when I was starving for truth....
March 02, 2020
Face to Face with Temptation - Blessed Is She

Face to Face with Temptation

Every year I give the same thing up for Lent: soda. It's my weakness. An ice-cold Coke, preferably from McDonald’s, is usually the quick fix to a migraine. When I...
March 01, 2020
Rest or Run on the Sabbath - Blessed Is She

Rest or Run on the Sabbath

We return home after Sunday Mass. It’s time for lunch. As I stir a pot of macaroni and cheese, my mental to-do list races through my brain: there are meals...
February 29, 2020
Lord, I Am Poor - Blessed Is She

Lord, I Am Poor

Calling home was heartbreaking during a particular season in my family’s life. Something had happened to a family member. The situation was stark in the foreground of our minds and...
February 28, 2020
Will We Deny Ourselves? - Blessed Is She

Will We Deny Ourselves?

I cannot remember the last time I denied myself something. That doesn't sound very good, does it? Well, I did fast yesterday because of Ash Wednesday, so there’s that. But...
February 27, 2020
You Are the Palms and the Ashes - Blessed Is She

You Are the Palms and the Ashes

Imagine you are the palms. Waved aloft in triumph and praise last year, the symbol of Palm Sunday. Now dried and brittle, gathered to be broken and burned in holy...
February 26, 2020
Into the Beautiful Silence - Blessed Is She

Into the Beautiful Silence

I’ve been sitting in the silence lately and letting it wash over me. I’ve been letting it mold and shape and grow me. And it’s been good. Because here in...
February 25, 2020
What's Your Intention? - Blessed Is She

What's Your Intention?

If you were to ask my dad what my most common pre-teen phrase was, he would clear his throat, roll his eyes, and groan an exasperated, “I knooOooow.” I was...
February 24, 2020