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Forgive Now - Blessed Is She

Forgive Now

“Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” As a part of the “Our Father,” you have probably prayed that line of prayer more times than...
March 10, 2015
What Are You Longing For? - Blessed Is She

What Are You Longing For?

With Lent nearly halfway over, it’s a good time to take a look at today’s psalm, then at our-Lent-selves, then back at the psalm again. Are our voluntary Lenten disciplines...
March 09, 2015
Sticking by the Eucharist - Blessed Is She

Sticking by the Eucharist

For today's readings, we have the Ten Commandments juxtaposed with Christ driving out the money changers in the temple. Two incredibly significant moments in the Bible. The founding of the...
March 08, 2015
Rejoice. And Be Free. - Blessed Is She

Rejoice. And Be Free.

I will never forget our family vacation to Wyoming when I was 20 years old. The only reason I went with my parents and younger sister in the first place...
March 07, 2015
Christ the Cornerstone - Blessed Is She

Christ the Cornerstone

"The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone." In construction terminology (which you may be completely unfamiliar with, as I am), the cornerstone is the first stone set...
March 06, 2015
In God We Trust - Blessed Is She

In God We Trust

"Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD . . . He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does...
March 05, 2015
What Are We Asking? - Blessed Is She

What Are We Asking?

You do not know what you are asking. How many times do we do this? Fall on our knees, beg for our prayers to be answered, plead with the Almighty...
March 04, 2015
Humanity - Blessed Is She


You have heard the phrase so many times in many different forms . . ."Talk the talk and Walk the walk" . . . "Practice what you Preach" . ....
March 03, 2015
Looking with Love - Blessed Is She

Looking with Love

  The readings today feel like a divine whack with a two-by-four from the Holy Spirit. Whack! Boom! Ouch! One of the things I have most struggled with in living...
March 02, 2015
Transfiguration in the Everyday - Blessed Is She

Transfiguration in the Everyday

Over half a century ago Richard Wilbur wrote a poem called “Plain Song for Comadre” about a woman who cleans a church. is seventeen years Come tomorrow That Bruna...
March 01, 2015
Upping The Ante - Blessed Is She

Upping The Ante

There they are, old friends from college. Not really friends, we still run in the same circle, though. Insensitive during our years of infertility, un-congratulatory when we finally did have...
February 28, 2015
Because You Are a Superhero, That’s Why - Blessed Is She

Because You Are a Superhero, That’s Why

Today’s readings from Ezekiel and Matthew can be pretty well summed up by another familiar Bible verse, Luke 12:48: “To whom much has been given, much will be required.” Perhaps...
February 27, 2015