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Faith in Action - Blessed Is She

Faith in Action

Act, and God will act. Saint Joan of Arc It is the year 2015. We live in the "future," a time when almost everything happens at the push of a...
February 26, 2015
What Does God Really Want from Me - Blessed Is She

What Does God Really Want from Me

‘Tis the season for Catholics everywhere to mark our heads with ash, give up chocolate, eat fried fish on Fridays, and feel generally grouchy from caffeine withdrawal. It’s the time...
February 25, 2015
Letting God's Word Fall - Blessed Is She

Letting God's Word Fall

Have you ever spoken and felt like your words fell on deaf ears? Maybe it was in the context of a request to a child: "First-name-middle-name-last-name, I asked you to...
February 24, 2015
Because You Love - Blessed Is She

Because You Love

Rules, so many rules. At first glance, you, too, will probably notice today’s readings are chock full of rules. Of laws to be adhered to. Of actions we are to...
February 23, 2015
Less is More - Blessed Is She

Less is More

How is your Lent going, so far, sisters? Do you, like me, get frustrated with yourself sometimes because you feel like you should be doing a whole lot more? Do...
February 22, 2015
We Are All Tax Collectors - Blessed Is She

We Are All Tax Collectors

When I was seven, a classmate accused me of stealing her bracelet. In fact, she had given it to me earlier that day and I, in turn, donated it to...
February 21, 2015
WHY? - Blessed Is She


Why do you fast? Fasting is both an Old Testament and New Testament practice. We mostly look to it as imitating Christ's 40 days of temptation and trial in the...
February 20, 2015
Choose Life - Blessed Is She

Choose Life

You already did it today. When you rolled over and kissed your husband good morning. Or when you threw on that old bathrobe and trooped down the hall to feed...
February 19, 2015
Changing Our Hearts Publicly and Privately - Blessed Is She

Changing Our Hearts Publicly and Privately

Against thee, thee only, have I sinned. Return to me with all your heart. Rend your garments. Proclaim a fast, blow the trumpets, bring the nursing babies . . ....
February 18, 2015
Build a Listening Heart - Blessed Is She

Build a Listening Heart

The story of Noah's Ark is a favorite with my young children. I do a rather dramatic reading from their children's Bible (which has surprisingly mature content for a kid's...
February 17, 2015
Hey, Jealousy - Blessed Is She

Hey, Jealousy

Ah, jealousy. That little insidious little soul killer. Every time I think I'm doing well, it trips me up again. I catch a glimpse of that lovely mom with the...
February 16, 2015
Jesus Heals the Leper - Blessed Is She

Jesus Heals the Leper

I remember helping in RCIA at my parish in Los Angeles, and we had broken out into small groups. In my small group, one of the candidates was reflecting on...
February 15, 2015