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La Llamada
Solemnidad la Inmaculada Concepción de la Santísima Virgen María Lectionary: 689 Lee las lecturas en el sitio de USCCB. Primera lectura Gn 3, 9-15. 20 Después de que el hombre...
Letting the Spirit In
When I became a part of the Blessed is She writers' community, I was struck by the way in which our leaders would begin our prayer time. "Come, Holy Spirit,"...
Just One More to Convince Me
"There are also many other things that Jesus did, but if these were to be described individually, I do not think the whole world would contain the books that would...
From Identity Comes Mission
I wonder what Jesus’ voice sounded like when He asked Simon Peter: “Do you love me?” With gentleness and tenderness, Jesus encounters Simon Peter. It’s sheer love. There is no...
Unity, Not Gate-Keeping
It had been about a year since I moved into my city and I was still hopping around from parish to parish looking for a place to call home. One...
A Consecration at Grandma’s House
My grandmother never cared for my mother, and this tension was something our whole family felt keenly. She was even sometimes quite mean to my mother. The details are unimportant....
It's Not All on Me
It was just a little talk. A small deal, really. But my usual confidence wavered as my words floated into the audience—an audience filled with highly-respected individuals who knew me...
He Has Conquered the World
Life is not short on trouble. Our Lord knew that. The Church knows that. And we know that. My life thus far has generally been pretty free from tragedy, but...
Firsthand Glory, Rich Beyond Words
The moisture seemed to be permanently suspended in the air that summer in Houston, Texas. My husband and I were away from home as he completed a summer internship. I...
He is Truly For Us
"Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete" (John 16:24). If I'm being honest, this verse is one I really struggled with before I knew the...
His Scars, Our Joy
The sun shone between the branches of the evergreen trees as I slid my feet forward one by one, pulling with my ski poles. The stillness of the winter morning,...
Looking for a Deeper Common Ground
Imagine if Saint Paul used social media. "Hey friends! It's Friday Introductions on Thursday, because I'm hosting a tent DIY workshop tomorrow. All are welcome! I'll even tell you about...