The disciples remember.
Their hearts burn within them.
They recognize Him in the breaking of the bread.
He appears.
He stands in their midst.
Why are you terrified?
Why do you have so many questions?
Do you recognize these hands and feet?
It is me.
This is my body.
This is my blood.
They look.
They touch.
They believe.
He is risen.
He is here.
His body does not belong to the dead.
His body belongs to the living.
They were “incredulous for joy and were amazed.” (Luke 24:41)
Have you anything to eat?
Sharing another meal.
He took it.
He ate it.
New life.
Come share.
Anticipate this new life.
Encounter this living person.
is fulfilled.
Open your mind.
the Scriptures.
Christ was crucified.
He died.
He was buried.
He rose again
on the third day.
Go forth.
in His name.
of sins.
To Jerusalem.
To all the nations.
To your heart.
You have seen.
You have heard.
You are witnesses.
Be bold.
Be original.
Draw life from the Resurrection.
Gentle knocking
At the door of your heart.
Open wide to the freedom that awaits.
Freedom to give.
Freedom to receive.
Trust Him.
Follow Him.
Rest in His peace.
He is alive.
He is risen.
He is alive. He is risen. He is alive. He is risen. Alleluia.Click to tweet
How can you share your encounter with our Risen Lord?
Rose Coleman is a contemplative in action who delights in all things beautiful. Her adventurous heart has traveled many places—from circumnavigating the globe on a ship during college to some years in the convent as a religious sister. Exuberant from her childhood, she is an elementary school teacher who learns so much from her students. You can find out more about her here.