The Well // Abide

$100.00 $250.00

The Well: Abide is a six week virtual mentorship experience where you will enter into beautiful practices of prayer for the next six weeks (or on your own timeline!).

You will be drawn into intimacy with the Lord by way of weekly videos, a community within the Blessed is She app, and invitations into reading scripture in a whole new way.

Get ready to be radically changed by the Lord and His presence.

You will have continued access to this product and the a channel on the BIS app with other people who have done or are doing the Well Abide. Because of this accessibility, we do not offer refunds on our digital products or virtual experiences.

Are you longing?

Have you ever wondered what it means to have intimacy with the Lord? Is that intimacy for you? Does it change anything? Can I change? Is He really speaking? And is He speaking to you?

We are here to tell you the truth: Intimacy is for you, right here, right now. And that intimacy changes everything, from who we are to how we live. 

Let the Living Water fill you up, today.

Get ready to be radically changed by the Lord and His presence.

What is The Well: Abide?

The Well: Abide is a six week virtual mentorship experience where you will enter into beautiful practices of prayer for the next six weeks (or at your own pace!).

It's all about surrender.

The Lord can move in radical ways when we move in faith and surrender. He will transform your heart in relationship with Him and thus change everything about your life, your perspective, and your faith.

This promise isn’t just from us—it comes from our Creator Himself.

Those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty. The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life. // Jesus in John 4

Well Shout-out

"Truly life changing."

I loved this experience! It truly was life changing for me. I am still processing all I learned and all that the Lord inspired within me. It was like my eyes were opened to the faith in a way it has not happen before in my life. I walk away from this experience with a spring in my step and with a greater sense of closeness to the Trinity.

What Happens After You Sign Up?

Check your email for your digital download workbook as well as access to the Blessed is She app where your weekly videos will be.

This workbook leads you through each week’s sessions, prayers, and practices.

Receive what He’s offering through this experience. He is drawing you into intimacy.