for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Single Ladies, Put Your Hands Up // Keeping Standards High While Dating - Blessed Is She

Single Ladies, Put Your Hands Up // Keeping Standards High While Dating

Recently I spoke with a young woman leaving for her freshman year of college. The subject of dating came up. I asked her what she was looking for in a...
Praying Through Your Engagement - Blessed Is She

Praying Through Your Engagement

I couldn't believe it. Looking down at my shaking (and now sparkling!) left hand, then up at the face of my smiling best friend, I realized it really happened: I...
Best Books about the Theology of the Body - Blessed Is She

Best Books about the Theology of the Body

When I hear the words “Theology of the Body” (TOB) I think almost instantly of Pope Saint John Paul II as well as people who have devoted their lives to...
Catholic Prayers for New Beginnings - Blessed Is She

Catholic Prayers for New Beginnings

As the academic year comes to a close, it can feel like we are on the cusp of something new, long after we find ourselves counting down the days until...
Best Books for Discerning Marriage - Blessed Is She

Best Books for Discerning Marriage

Ever since I was a little girl, I knew I wanted to be married. I was always "falling in love" with boys and looking forward to being a mother. However,...
BIS Reads // Letters to Myself from the End of the World - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads // Letters to Myself from the End of the World

In 2017, Emily Stimpson Chapman began writing a book about her home renovation. Except another project came up, and then another. Then 2020 happened. Chapman found herself locked down with...
Blessed Chats: Single Women // Prayer - Blessed Is She

Blessed Chats: Single Women // Prayer

Welcome to our Blessed Chats series! Each month, we will dedicate an entire week of blog posts to a topic that affects many of us. These conversations often come up...
Blessed Chats: Single Women // What I Had to Unlearn (and Relearn) About Dating - Blessed Is She

Blessed Chats: Single Women // What I Had to Unlearn (and Relearn) About Dating

Welcome to our Blessed Chats series! Each month, we will dedicate an entire week of blog posts to a topic that affects many of us. These conversations often come up...
Blessed Chats: Single Women // Out of the Dating Dumps - Blessed Is She

Blessed Chats: Single Women // Out of the Dating Dumps

Welcome to our Blessed Chats series! Each month, we will dedicate an entire week of blog posts to a topic that affects many of us. These conversations often come up...
What to Do When Faced with an Unexpected Pregnancy - Blessed Is She

What to Do When Faced with an Unexpected Pregnancy

Imagine the sharp confusion you feel when the wind gets knocked out of you, or the terror you’d feel if you got swept away by a fierce current in the...
3 Ways to Pray with Your Boyfriend, Fiancé, or Husband - Blessed Is She

3 Ways to Pray with Your Boyfriend, Fiancé, or Husband

For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them. -Matthew 18:20 We are all called to take time out of our...
Dating and the Quest for Holiness - Blessed Is She

Dating and the Quest for Holiness

Dating and holiness are not two words that I often associate with each other. The modern, free-range dating of today’s world leaves us with precious few saintly examples to follow...