for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

How to Listen to the Spirit (Instead of the Flippant Opinions of Others) in Your Vocational Discernment - Blessed Is She

How to Listen to the Spirit (Instead of the Flippant Opinions of Others) in Your Vocational Discernment

I started going to daily Mass when I was in college and continued doing so over my summer breaks. There, I encountered an unexpected hurdle: the other regular Mass attendees...
Fostering Friendship with Your Boyfriend - Blessed Is She

Fostering Friendship with Your Boyfriend

Shortly after we started dating, my boyfriend told me that he wanted to be my best friend. It was important to him to have a true and deep friendship with...
How Mr. Knightly Helped Me Find Mr. Right - Blessed Is She

How Mr. Knightly Helped Me Find Mr. Right

Like many women, my love of Jane Austen began in my teen years but it wasn’t until my 20’s that the lessons of her heroines and their leading men started...
What's a Girl to Do When Dating a Non-Catholic - Blessed Is She

What's a Girl to Do When Dating a Non-Catholic

In fifth grade, I met my future husband. We met through a mutual friend. I went to public school with our friend, who lived a few doors down from Bob....
Dating a Non-Catholic - Blessed Is She

Dating a Non-Catholic

I was a little boy-crazy back in high school. I had an endless series of crushes. I dated. I flirted. I broke some hearts and I had my heart broken....
Love is Rooted in Freedom - Blessed Is She

Love is Rooted in Freedom

I recently finished a short, ambiguous novel called Diary of an Oxygen Thief by Anonymous (yes, the author remained anonymous!). This was, unfortunately, yet another memoir-type account of obsessive, unhealthy...
When My Marriage Needed More than a Date - Blessed Is She

When My Marriage Needed More than a Date

In order to make the house run and my sanity stay locked in place, I have systems and more systems. I have routines. I have check lists. I have long...
Marriage Can Wait - Blessed Is She

Marriage Can Wait

I can wait to get married. There I said it. As a 20 year old woman in college, I watch as many of my peers happily get hitched or find...
Self Control is More Important Than Saving Rent - Blessed Is She

Self Control is More Important Than Saving Rent

I marry my fiancé, Steven, in 95 days. Wow. For part of our relationship, Steven and I lived in seperate states. I worked as a campus ministry intern in Virginia,...