for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Our Lady of Guadalupe and How She Adopted Our Family - Blessed Is She

Our Lady of Guadalupe and How She Adopted Our Family

December 12th is the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe and it is a very special day in our home. This feast day is significant to many throughout the...
Saint Ambrose // Walking with God in the Garden - Blessed Is She

Saint Ambrose // Walking with God in the Garden

If you hear the two words “church father” you might be thinking of an ancient, white-haired man who probably did some good things for the church a long, long time...
On Saint Andrew and Doing What is Yours - Blessed Is She

On Saint Andrew and Doing What is Yours

“I have done what was mine; may Christ teach you what is yours.” These words of freedom spoken by Saint Francis of Assisi’s to his brothers when he was on...
How to Host a Favorite Things Gift Exchange - Blessed Is She

How to Host a Favorite Things Gift Exchange

Gift giving is an important part of the Christmas season. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when the tradition of exchanging Christmas gifts began. But even on that first Christmas, wise...
Saint Martin the Merciful - Blessed Is She

Saint Martin the Merciful

Whenever I pack to go camping, it’s inevitable that I will find myself asking the same question. Generally between stops at the store, and cramming sleeping bags, tents, cookware, rain...
Angels, an Artist, and the Capuchin Crypt in Rome - Blessed Is She

Angels, an Artist, and the Capuchin Crypt in Rome

I felt the hard, uneven cobblestones beneath my feet and took in the views all around me with fresh, wide eyes. It was one of the first days of my...
Meet the Archangels - Blessed Is She

Meet the Archangels

My husband’s name is Michael and I am always on the lookout for gifts that honor him through his namesake, Saint Michael the Archangel. This past Valentine’s Day I was...
Saint Pio and the Miracle of Wanda Półtawska - Blessed Is She

Saint Pio and the Miracle of Wanda Półtawska

When we are ready to give up hope, we must persevere. The Saints teach us this. Even the darkest night will not last, and it will—it must—give way to the...
A Practical Way You Can Exalt the Cross - Blessed Is She

A Practical Way You Can Exalt the Cross

Our parish is a Metropolitan-ish cathedral that is often crowded with tourists. Combine that with our tendency to be right on time for Mass and we often do not get...
The Holy Name of Mary - Blessed Is She

The Holy Name of Mary

I always had a problem with my name growing up. I wondered why my parents didn’t give me an easy-to-pronounce name. Rocio, although beautiful when pronounced rightly in Spanish, felt...
Saint Teresa of Calcutta // A Saint in the Darkness - Blessed Is She

Saint Teresa of Calcutta // A Saint in the Darkness

In Something Beautiful for God, the British Journalist Malcolm Muggeridge wrote about an exhilarating experience while filming a documentary on Mother Teresa in 1967. The film crew had arrived at...
On Saint Bartholomew - Blessed Is She

On Saint Bartholomew

In the tradition of the Church, Bartholomew and Nathaniel are the same person. Think of Nathaniel as his first name and Bartholomew as his last name, since it designates his...