for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

4 Saints Who Were Encouraged to Have Abortions - Blessed Is She

4 Saints Who Were Encouraged to Have Abortions

The discovery of a new pregnancy is one of the most exciting things that can happen to a woman. At the same time, it can also be incredibly fear-inducing. After...
The Relationship Between Personal Holiness and Social Wholeness - Blessed Is She

The Relationship Between Personal Holiness and Social Wholeness

I attended a retreat for women writers in 2008 and had the privilege to study under Kentucky’s poet laureate at the time, Jane Gentry Vance. She shared thoughts on poetry...
What (Not) to Say to Your Pro-Choice Friends: An Exhaustive Resource for Pro-Life Arguments - Blessed Is She

What (Not) to Say to Your Pro-Choice Friends: An Exhaustive Resource for Pro-Life Arguments

One gray, spring morning, some friends and I were praying outside an abortion clinic when a young couple with heavy faces came walking towards us. The man had his arm...
What to Do When Faced with an Unexpected Pregnancy - Blessed Is She

What to Do When Faced with an Unexpected Pregnancy

Imagine the sharp confusion you feel when the wind gets knocked out of you, or the terror you’d feel if you got swept away by a fierce current in the...
Tangible Ways to Help Stop Human Trafficking - Blessed Is She

Tangible Ways to Help Stop Human Trafficking

How I wish that all of us would hear God’s cry: ‘Where is your brother?’ (Gen. 4:9). Where is your brother or sister who is enslaved? Where is the brother...
Secondary Infertility: Finding Peace through the Holy Family - Blessed Is She

Secondary Infertility: Finding Peace through the Holy Family

I will never forget the moment I first heard about secondary infertility. It was earlier this summer when I was lying next to my two-year-old son, Peter, during his nap....
Discerning Foster Parenting - Blessed Is She

Discerning Foster Parenting

Discernment is different for everyone. We all walk such a unique path in our journey to Heaven. I stood in my bedroom, the hanger forgotten in my hand as I...
The Quality of Life - Blessed Is She

The Quality of Life

The March for Life will take place in Washington DC today. Tens of thousands of people, young and old, will descend on our Nation’s Capital and march in peaceful protest...
For Life - Blessed Is She

For Life

It felt like a punch to the gut. A woman walked past with an empty stroller, save a black cloth draped across the top and a sign that read “I...
I Was Pro-Life-ing All Wrong - Blessed Is She

I Was Pro-Life-ing All Wrong

It was May 26th, and I woke up feeling sick. My husband, Sean, had already left for work. I took the dollar store pregnancy test, hopped in the shower, then...
Holding Grace - Blessed Is She

Holding Grace

I'm not marching today. The big boys will go off, bundled against the cold. But I will stay home with the wee ones and read stories and sip hot chocolate....
More Than A Really Long Bus Trip - Blessed Is She

More Than A Really Long Bus Trip

I have been a youth minister for almost nine years. I’ve made my share of mistakes along the way and learned a lot. One of my favorite things is taking...