for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Weekly Wallpaper // 73 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 73

Another simple beauty from Tara of Frameworthy Designs. "Seek what is above." All too often I am seeking worldly success and pleasure. But we are reminded today to just seek...
Weekly Wallpaper // 71 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 71

I think for many of us, worry and anxiety infiltrate our lives. We worry about our children or the paper that is due next week. We worry about all the...
Weekly Wallpaper // 70 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 70

In today's gospel, a scholar asks how to gain eternal life. Jesus turns the question back to him, asking what the law says. The scholar replies, ""You shall love the...
Weekly Wallpaper // 69 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 69

In today's gospel Luke says, "Peace to this household," (Luke 10:5) Lauren from When Beauty Met Truth. And even though this cute, cute house looks so peaceful in and of...
Weekly Wallpaper // 66 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 66

We're just recovering from a wonderful Memorial Day (and Corpus Christi celebration!) We have a fresh new wallpaper for you from Katrina of Hatch Prints! You can download it for...
Weekly Wallpaper // 65 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 65

This absolute beauty of a wallpaper made by Tara of Frameworthy Designs just for us on the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity! HOPE DOES NOT DISAPPOINT. (Romans 5:5) Yes. Yes....
Weekly Wallpaper // 64 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 64

Pentecost! It was so beautiful to journey with so many women On The Way to Pentecost. This week we pulled our book design to bring you a free wallpaper for...
Weekly Wallpaper // 63 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 63

A fresh wallpaper for the Ascension today made by Erica of Be A Heart. "May the eyes of your heart be enlightened, that you may have the hope that belongs...
Weekly Wallpaper // 62 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 62

There are so many things that we worry about - especially as women. We take on so many troubles and fears for the world and those around us. But today,...
Weekly Wallpaper // 61 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 61

This week's wallpaper by Tara of Frameworthy Designs is breathtakingly gorgeous! She reminds us of today's Gospel to love one another. You can download this wallpaper for free below! Phone...
Weekly Wallpaper // 60 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 60

In Revelations yesterday, John says "God will wipe away every tear from their eyes." Rev 7:9 What comfort that brought me. I changed it to God will wipe away every...
Sisters Speak in the #BISsisterhood - Blessed Is She

Sisters Speak in the #BISsisterhood

Let’s get to know each other a bit more, as sisters in Christ. Feel free to share your answers to these questions in on our Instagram post and/or your own...