for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Life as a Consecrated Virgin - Blessed Is She

Life as a Consecrated Virgin

I have always had big dreams. I was one of those kids that had a crazy answer to what they wanted to be when they grew up. While other kids...
Faith + Friday Night Lights - Blessed Is She

Faith + Friday Night Lights

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Believe it or not, I never actually attended a high school football game while I was in high school. My tiny Catholic high school in rural southern Illinois didn’t...
Harvest Time and Letting Go - Blessed Is She

Harvest Time and Letting Go

Metaphors are a powerful tool for teaching, and there are few metaphors richer than that of bringing something new to birth. Two Kinds of Birth I always find it interesting...
Turning to Jesus When Struggling With Depression - Blessed Is She

Turning to Jesus When Struggling With Depression

I was officially diagnosed with depression and anxiety when I was a freshman in high school. Though I have learned coping methods over the years, it is still a struggle...
How to Pray the Litany of Humility - Blessed Is She

How to Pray the Litany of Humility

No one reaches the kingdom of Heaven except through humility. -St. Augustine   When I think of the holiest people I know, “humble” is one of the first words I’d...
Staying Reliant on God in a Culture of Independence - Blessed Is She

Staying Reliant on God in a Culture of Independence

Everywhere I turn, I’m reminded that my ultimate autonomy is crucial to my success as a female in 2019. I need to be an independent woman who doesn’t need a...
On the Feast of St. James the Apostle - Blessed Is She

On the Feast of St. James the Apostle

You, or someone you know, may have walked The Camino de Santiago. This is the very pilgrimage which leads to the tomb of St. James the Apostle. Or maybe you...
St. Bridget of Sweden + Preconceived Notions - Blessed Is She

St. Bridget of Sweden + Preconceived Notions

Recently on a hot afternoon at the park, my kids and I headed for the shade of a picnic pavilion at a nearby lake. We were marveling at the dragonflies...
Let's Talk about NFP: Here's What Needs to Change - Blessed Is She

Let's Talk about NFP: Here's What Needs to Change

What if I told you we all have to change our mindsets and the narratives we believe when it comes to NFP? What if I told you we’ve all been...
Ordered vs. Organized - Blessed Is She

Ordered vs. Organized

          There is a difference between living a life that is organized and living a life that is ordered. Plenty of people strive to live an...
Belonging to His Flock: How We Can Discover Relationship with God through Biblical Imagery - Blessed Is She

Belonging to His Flock: How We Can Discover Relationship with God through Biblical Imagery

Since my early childhood, my has family raised a handful of sheep each year. I have fond memories as a girl, wandering to our back pasture to feed the sheep...
Waiting at Red Lights - Blessed Is She

Waiting at Red Lights

The other day I was rushing to get somewhere when I was stopped by a red light. A very long red light. Heart-pumping, brain-whizzing, grip on the steering wheel clenching,...