for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Fiction Novels for Catholic Teens - Blessed Is She

Fiction Novels for Catholic Teens

I love book recommendations, and now that I am a mom, I always appreciate hearing about fun suggestions for my own daughter. If there's a teen in your life, this...
Hey Kids, Go Watch Juice Box! - Blessed Is She

Hey Kids, Go Watch Juice Box!

"Hey Mom, can we watch a show?" I quickly scanned the house and zipped through my mental checklist. Schoolwork and chores were finished, they had played outside for several hours,...
The Near-Saint Who Discovered the Extra Chromosome in Down Syndrome - Blessed Is She

The Near-Saint Who Discovered the Extra Chromosome in Down Syndrome

My two younger brothers both like to read books and watch movies. One is more focused on sports and can spend hours playing baseball, while the other is drawn to...
How to Tame Your To-Do List - Blessed Is She

How to Tame Your To-Do List

Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you. // Saint Augustine In the past, I wrestled with this concept a bit. Even though I'm...
The Woman of Intentionality - Blessed Is She

The Woman of Intentionality

Admittedly, I am frequently annoyed by “Christian catch-phrases.” By this, I mean those phrases and words that get thrown around within Christian circles, label you as a "church person," and...
Big Choices // A Letter to Young People - Blessed Is She

Big Choices // A Letter to Young People

Of my four children, three are teenagers. I serve as a Client Advocate at a crisis pregnancy center where ladies of varied ages, colors, and creeds come to verify pregnancies....
More Rejoicing in Heaven Over One Lost Poet Found - Blessed Is She

More Rejoicing in Heaven Over One Lost Poet Found

Since I didn’t get married until I was 45 years old, I lived the state of single life for quite a long time. In my early years of college, graduate...
BIS Reads // Simple Mercies - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads // Simple Mercies

When I look at the lives of the Saints, I see an ocean of personalities, vocations, experiences, and spiritualities. I marvel at the creativity of God and His goodness in...
Biblical Affirmations - Blessed Is She

Biblical Affirmations

What if we viewed ourselves the way God does? One therapeutic technique often used is known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and the premise is this: our thoughts shape our...
Stubbornness and Your Family - Blessed Is She

Stubbornness and Your Family

"I know you hate math, honey, but you still have to do it. Don't give up; be stubborn and get it done." Those words left my mouth a week before...
How to Be a Spiritual Encourager - Blessed Is She

How to Be a Spiritual Encourager

I said, “Yes,” to the invitation to join a Bible study unlike any Bible study I had ever attended. This one did not include reading and studying Scripture; it was...
Worldly Comfort as an Ideal: How to Combat It - Blessed Is She

Worldly Comfort as an Ideal: How to Combat It

I remember when we got married, I joked with my husband that I missed the graffiti from my inner city neighborhood. It’s not that graffiti is something to be applauded...