for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Spiritual Growth is Like Stepping into the Ocean - Blessed Is She

Spiritual Growth is Like Stepping into the Ocean

One of my favorite things to do as a mom is to watch our three children at the beach. Through the years I’ve watched the kids go from being barely...
The Rules for Discernment from Saint Ignatius of Loyola - Blessed Is She

The Rules for Discernment from Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Our lives are full of decisions. From the significant to the seemingly minor, living an intentional life means we pay attention to those decisions—being active participators rather than passive observers....
Relational Prayer: Listening to the Silence of Our Hearts - Blessed Is She

Relational Prayer: Listening to the Silence of Our Hearts

Restlessness is exhaustive and depletes the profoundness of the soul when we rely solely on productivity and efficiency to fill the voids in our hearts. We may feel an instant...
The Spiritual Life in the Thick of Adulthood - Blessed Is She

The Spiritual Life in the Thick of Adulthood

Sometime after your 35th birthday, when you find a moment to actually take a break from the hamster wheel you seem to be perpetually stuck on, you reflect on how...
Our Mission Has Not Changed - Blessed Is She

Our Mission Has Not Changed

What a strange time we are all experiencing. Walking outside of our convent—which is on our school and parish grounds—I'm met with quiet. We are used to the sounds of...
Prayers for Doctors + Healthcare Workers in a Time of Need - Blessed Is She

Prayers for Doctors + Healthcare Workers in a Time of Need

Whenever you or a loved one are in need of healing, whether it be physical or emotional, it is important to thank God for the doctors and other healthcare workers...
On the Feast of St. Frances of Rome: A Saint Who Struggled, Too - Blessed Is She

On the Feast of St. Frances of Rome: A Saint Who Struggled, Too

A married woman must, when called upon, quit her devotions to God at the altar to find Him in her household affairs. -St. Frances of Rome   As a mom,...
Living as a Cloistered Cistercian Nun - Blessed Is She

Living as a Cloistered Cistercian Nun

Valley of Our Lady Monastery is a community of Cistercian nuns who live a life of contemplative prayer according to the Rule of St. Benedict and the traditions of the...
To Serve and Be Served - Blessed Is She

To Serve and Be Served

In the musical Wicked, the popular Galinda gives a makeover to her nerdy, offbeat roommate. Galinda presents herself as the fortunate, intelligent friend who, out of the kindness of her...
St. Perpetua: An Early Model for Modern Women - Blessed Is She

St. Perpetua: An Early Model for Modern Women

The first time I heard her story, I had to lift my jaw from the floor. I had asked for an example of a holy woman of God who was...
5 Books to Read Before Your International Mission Trip - Blessed Is She

5 Books to Read Before Your International Mission Trip

“Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).   This instruction from Jesus has provided the inspiration for thousands of missionaries over the centuries. Attending Catholic school from...
Making Friends with the Saints - Blessed Is She

Making Friends with the Saints

Following Christ sometimes feels like a lonely road as we make career decisions that cause people to scratch their heads, as we date or lead our families counter-culturally, and as...