for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Healed and Restored - Blessed Is She

Healed and Restored

I first shared my story on Sunday, May 20, 2018: the Feast of Pentecost. That moment came after God sent a number of holy people into my life to help...
How Can My Wounds Speak to My Calling? - Blessed Is She

How Can My Wounds Speak to My Calling?

As I approach my college graduation, more and more conversations have begun circling around this certain topic: what am I supposed to do with my life? What is my vocation?...
Discerning Post-Graduate Service - Blessed Is She

Discerning Post-Graduate Service

If you are considering post-graduate service, you have probably felt some sort of inner calling from God or a desire deep in your heart. Maybe along with that desire, nerves...
BIS Reads // Awaken My Heart: A 52-Week Devotional - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads // Awaken My Heart: A 52-Week Devotional

During the Advent and Christmas seasons, we reflect a lot on "a weary world." The world, at all points in history, has been tired from sin and striving and aching...
College 101 Series // Time Management - Blessed Is She

College 101 Series // Time Management

Suddenly, there is no one pounding on your door or yelling at you to get up and go to school. No one to tell you to go to bed. No...
The Fresh Start Season - Blessed Is She

The Fresh Start Season

Way back in January, most of us were excited to begin a new year and a new decade. Typically, January means a “fresh start” and “clean slate.” It is filled...
What Jeremiah 29:11 and Jane Austen Taught Me About Hope - Blessed Is She

What Jeremiah 29:11 and Jane Austen Taught Me About Hope

Christ is our Hope, in the midst of 2020 and otherwise; through joys and sorrows—through it all. It should come as no surprise, then, that Jeremiah 29:11 is my favorite...
Poco a Poco // The Spirituality of Making the Next Best Step - Blessed Is She

Poco a Poco // The Spirituality of Making the Next Best Step

Poco a poco. The spirituality of making the next best step. It's become a bit of our catch phrase. It's been the name of a CFR album, our Ascension Present's...
Our Call to Sainthood - Blessed Is She

Our Call to Sainthood

What motivates you to serve? Do you act out of fear, appearances, and the applause of others? Or the love of God and the glory of His Kingdom? A resounding...
College 101 Series // Roommates - Blessed Is She

College 101 Series // Roommates

I honestly don’t know how many first-year students this blog will be relevant to in 2020. Covid-19 has forced many students to Zoom from home verses zoom across the country...
Ways to Make Time for Prayer in Every Season of Life - Blessed Is She

Ways to Make Time for Prayer in Every Season of Life

“It sounds like prayer is something you do just so you can check a box.” Her voice was gentle, but direct. A wise friend had asked me about my prayer...
Seen and Loved - Blessed Is She

Seen and Loved

In 2005, as secret-sharing apps like Secret and Whisper were making headlines, Frank Warren’s project PostSecret, a digital chronicle, was raking greater heights. New York Times even called it "the...