for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Making Difficult Life-Changing Decisions - Blessed Is She

Making Difficult Life-Changing Decisions

I couldn’t believe what I had just heard: “Be open to discerning everything all over again.” How could this be happening? I did everything correctly. I left my almost two-year-long...
The (Actual) Essentials of Holiness - Blessed Is She

The (Actual) Essentials of Holiness

“Go where you can love God best.” My spiritual director shared this advice at a Holy Hour for discerning women. The thought rankled me. Shouldn’t I go where I could...
Creative Ways to Give Alms this Lent - Blessed Is She

Creative Ways to Give Alms this Lent

Is almsgiving something you practice seasonally during Advent and Lent? Is almsgiving something you give more thought to when the priest reminds you of the needs of the parish and...
Having Another Kid Without Losing It - Blessed Is She

Having Another Kid Without Losing It

I run into many people who can’t believe I have “so many” kids. Whether at the grocery store, at the library, at church, or at public gatherings or parties, people...
Fasting Ideas for Those Who Shouldn't Fast from Food - Blessed Is She

Fasting Ideas for Those Who Shouldn't Fast from Food

Looking back at past Lents, I can recall doing Whole30, giving up alcohol, giving up sweets, and then there were a couple of years when I didn't up food at...
40 Short Bible Verses to Memorize for Lent - Blessed Is She

40 Short Bible Verses to Memorize for Lent

Our annual season of fasting and repentance is days away. Many of us have yet to determine what we will do to foster a closer relationship with God during this...
Taking the Pen - Blessed Is She

Taking the Pen

…all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. // Psalm 139:16 God is the ultimate Author—the most romantic and creative....
Building Cultural Memory - Blessed Is She

Building Cultural Memory

In my years teaching in public schools, I started to notice a subtle but steady presence of cultural orphan mentality. I talked with 5th graders who did not know anything...
The Many Masks We Wear - Blessed Is She

The Many Masks We Wear

Adoration offers time for deep, focused meditation. I often close my eyes. Sometimes, I have visions or dream-like encounters that I believe are guided by the Holy Spirit. Recently, I...
Saint Quotes about Love - Blessed Is She

Saint Quotes about Love

February is upon us. The month of heart-shaped candies printed with the classic texts reading “call me,” “soul mate,” and “sweet love.” Throughout my life, Valentine’s Day has stirred up...
When You're Dreading Valentine's Day... - Blessed Is She

When You're Dreading Valentine's Day...

If you want to know how Valentine's Day can make single women feel, watch 30 Rock. In the 13th episode of the hit American television series, the unattached Liz Lemon...
How Conflict in Marriage Can Lead to Greater Intimacy with Jesus - Blessed Is She

How Conflict in Marriage Can Lead to Greater Intimacy with Jesus

One of the things I have observed about my parents’ marriage and eventual divorce is the fact that they rarely argued in front of my sister and me. I used...