for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

REMAIN Series // An Introduction + Invitation - Blessed Is She

REMAIN Series // An Introduction + Invitation

Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Keep straight the path of your feet, and all your ways will be sure. // Proverbs 4:25-26...
God's Whisper - Blessed Is She

God's Whisper

Many times, I run through a day with so much on my plate between homeschooling and errands and keeping the house afloat. I wonder why I don’t always feel His...
Rosary Ciabatta Bread Recipe - Blessed Is She

Rosary Ciabatta Bread Recipe

Ciabatta bread, fresh from the oven, is one of my family’s favorite foods. It transforms an average meal into a feast, especially when served with a small plate of olive...
Saints to Turn to When You Can't Sleep - Blessed Is She

Saints to Turn to When You Can't Sleep

Some nights—and for a few of us, most nights—are restless and sleepless. Whether our lack of sleep is due to anxiety, a crying baby, a sick child, or a reason...
The Problem with Toxic Shame - Blessed Is She

The Problem with Toxic Shame

In His goodness, God has turned the shame I carried all my life into His fame. He has made me into a survivor with a purpose: to let men and...
Marian Apparitions from Around the World - Blessed Is She

Marian Apparitions from Around the World

While hanging on the Cross and obtaining our salvation, our gracious Lord made the effort to turn our attention toward His Mother. In addition, He instructed her to behold His...
Catholic Prayers for New Beginnings - Blessed Is She

Catholic Prayers for New Beginnings

As the academic year comes to a close, it can feel like we are on the cusp of something new, long after we find ourselves counting down the days until...
To Mother and to Grieve - Blessed Is She

To Mother and to Grieve

My husband and I were only four months into our marriage when we suffered our first miscarriage. We had so many hopes and so much excitement. After one week of...
Scripture Verses to Pray When You're Stressed - Blessed Is She

Scripture Verses to Pray When You're Stressed

Stress is a normal part of life. It can be difficult to manage it, but thankfully there are many verses from the Bible that offer guidance on how to deal...
Go Ahead, Take the Time for Talking - Blessed Is She

Go Ahead, Take the Time for Talking

Coffee and conversation: both blessings to behold. Together, they can create community. I recall such good conversations over coffee in college: with my favorite English professor, with my sister and...
Your Year of the Living Water - Blessed Is She

Your Year of the Living Water

Have you ever heard of a rule of life? It’s a rhythm that sets the tone and pace of your days to keep your heart and calendar aligned with your...
Meet Him at the Well - Blessed Is She

Meet Him at the Well

I tossed and turned in bed, feeling awfully discouraged and a bit numb. Intellectually, I knew the Lord was there, but my heart told me differently. He seemed woefully distant...