“Ask and you will receive, so that your joy will be complete.” // John 16:24
I wondered if it was worth it, if muttering the words would be a waste of breath—an insignificant plea to the heavens. Because I was certain that the plight of my lost keys had to be diminished when compared to the plight of the fresh, new widow with tears on her cheeks or the addict in the dark searching for one last high. God had bigger problems to contend with, and I didn’t want to waste time adding to them.
Yet as time ticked on, my desperation grew. I scurried around the room, frantically moving junk from this pile to that with no luck. Knowing I would be late to a meeting, I finally belted out the most seemingly negligible words: “Lord, please help me find my keys!”
I am happy to report that I did, indeed, find my keys that day. They were hiding quite suspiciously in a toy box the way they do when you’re a mom of a young boy.
I often dwell on this little incident that took place not too long ago because it makes me wonder how many prayers we all bottle up inside, how many opportunities we lose to connect with God because we deem them unworthy.
Being in relationship with Christ is more than running to Him when things are hard or heavy or scary. Being in relationship with Christ goes deeper. It’s waking up and saying, “Good morning, Lord” or noticing the sweet sound of the birds outside of your window and giving Him praise. True relationship is formed not only in the big, life changing events that often rock our worlds, but it is also woven into the small, more intimate moments of our days.
In today’s Gospel, Christ commands us, “Ask and you will receive, so that your joy will be complete” (John 16:24).
I wonder, dear sister, what are you holding onto? What do you deem unworthy? Let it go. You need only ask.