"There was a time where I was looking for community ...
I finally found it when I said “yes” to opening up my door and my heart to other women in a vulnerable, authentic way. I found my sisters, rooted and planted in Christ and in His Church, and my life was changed by these women who prayed for me, prayed with me, helped me in times of suffering, and cheered with me in times of great joy.
I want you to experience this, too. So we created Blessed Brunches. Whether it be attending a brunch and meeting a friend for the first time or hosting one, we are so excited to see what God does."
// Jenna Guizar, Founder of Blessed is She
What is a Blessed Brunch?
A Blessed Brunch is a way for you to EASILY begin cultivating community. The only thing that’s asked of you is to bring a heart open to other women and a little potluck dish to share!
Some brunches are very low-key and some are decorated. There’s no pressure and there are no rules. All you need is an open door and an open heart.
I was a bit nervous and wasn't sure what to expect, and I was trying to keep my expectations somewhat low to avoid disappointment. Afterwards, I felt so thankful and excited about my new connections!
Say a little prayer, ask the Lord for boldness, and then go for it!

I was really excited to attend but didn't know what to expect. I went in with an open mind and heart, and I left feeling rejuvenated and on fire and thrilled to have made a few new sisters in Christ.
The conversation flowed, everyone was excited to be there, and friendships were formed and will grow.

New York
North Carolina
South Carolina
Host a Blessed Brunch: