for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

How Jane de Chantal Impacted Me as a Mother - Blessed Is She

How Jane de Chantal Impacted Me as a Mother

There’s a story about St. Jane de Chantal's transformation that has always intrigued me. It’s included in each of the dozen or so biographies of her that I’ve read, even...
The Homeless and Your Dating Relationship - Blessed Is She

The Homeless and Your Dating Relationship

I was nervous as we pulled up to the apartment complex. My boyfriend got out of the car with me and we walked up to meet my friend, Roy. Roy...
The Work of Motherhood - Blessed Is She

The Work of Motherhood

The blogger Elizabeth Duffy once wrote: If motherhood is hard at times, it’s probably because it allows us, without going terribly far out of our way, to mimic Christ.  ...
The Experience of Mother's Day without Children - Blessed Is She

The Experience of Mother's Day without Children

As I look at my May calendar, I wonder what type of gift I should get my mom for Mother’s Day. Maybe a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble or...
Transitioning from College: Tips + Encouragement - Blessed Is She

Transitioning from College: Tips + Encouragement

Congratulations! You graduated from college! All the studying, cramming, stressing, writing and test taking is over! You’ve worn the cap and gown, and you listened to the famous commencement speaker....
The Vision Behind Our Catholic Prayer Book for Kids - Blessed Is She

The Vision Behind Our Catholic Prayer Book for Kids

The first people to ask us for a devotional for children were, in fact, our own children. Their sentiments were echoed from the amazing women in our community and in...
Why We Go and Tell - Blessed Is She

Why We Go and Tell

The Easter season is here, sisters! After a long, beautiful, difficult, redemptive Lent and profound Triduum, we have arrived at the celebration of the pinnacle of our Faith: the Resurrection...
Embracing the Millennial Catholic Mission - Blessed Is She

Embracing the Millennial Catholic Mission

It’s no secret that fewer and fewer millennials attend Mass and identify as practicing Catholics. To some, this may seem like a crisis. To others, this may seem like a...
Lighten Up, Christian Soldier - Blessed Is She

Lighten Up, Christian Soldier

“It was really good to see you out there dancing,” my friend told me with a gentle smile. We’d been at a party a few nights before and in a...
What's Next After Advent and Lent? - Blessed Is She

What's Next After Advent and Lent?

If you have enjoyed walking through Lent or Advent with the thousands of other women doing the Blessed is She liturgical journals, you may be wondering what's next. How can...
Remembering Your Journey: A Practical Way to Strengthen Your Faith and Encourage Others - Blessed Is She

Remembering Your Journey: A Practical Way to Strengthen Your Faith and Encourage Others

Have you ever thought about your testimony? Have you sat down to reflect and remember what rivers and valleys—even mountains—you’ve crossed with God? If you’re clear on your “story”, have...
Catholicism in Military Life - Blessed Is She

Catholicism in Military Life

In our seven years of marriage, my husband and I have spent over two years apart. My husband has deployed four times in those seven years. I went through those...