for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Faith + Friday Night Lights - Blessed Is She

Faith + Friday Night Lights

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Believe it or not, I never actually attended a high school football game while I was in high school. My tiny Catholic high school in rural southern Illinois didn’t...
The BIS Lent Journal + Prison Ministry - Blessed Is She

The BIS Lent Journal + Prison Ministry

This year during Lent, the founder of Blessed is She, Jenna Guizar, donated some of our Lent Journals to a local prison ministry who serves women in the local prison....
A Letter to the First-Time College Student - Blessed Is She

A Letter to the First-Time College Student

Dear First-Time College Student (words I wish I had heard at the dawn of my college experience), I am so excited to hear that you are headed to college soon....
When Your Husband Works a High-Risk Job - Blessed Is She

When Your Husband Works a High-Risk Job

My husband works a high-risk job. Maybe yours does, too. The reality of the dangers of his job are not lost on me. With two young children now, it can...
To The Women With Big Hearts On Mission - Blessed Is She

To The Women With Big Hearts On Mission

It feels like the worst thing ever to have a heart that feels a lot. Particularly in high school, there were times that I would see leaders in the Church...
How to Practice the Works of Mercy as a Family (+ Printable Checklist!) - Blessed Is She

How to Practice the Works of Mercy as a Family (+ Printable Checklist!)

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus instructs us to care for one another out of love for Him. The Golden Rule, the second greatest commandment, and the example of Christ Himself drive...
What We Hope Women Receive (+ Give) from Misericordia - Blessed Is She

What We Hope Women Receive (+ Give) from Misericordia

One of the central pieces to the mission of Blessed is She is helping women find and create Catholic community. We love our online community, and we've been amazed by...
Best Books + Resources for Discernment - Blessed Is She

Best Books + Resources for Discernment

Discernment can be an overwhelming process. Perhaps it is partially because, by its very nature, it is personal and internal. And while everyone has seen other people make decisions, it...
The Richness of the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy - Blessed Is She

The Richness of the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy

Christ's presence in the Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of our Catholic Faith (Lumen Gentium, 11). The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that one of the fruits...
What (Not) to Say to Your Pro-Choice Friends: An Exhaustive Resource for Pro-Life Arguments - Blessed Is She

What (Not) to Say to Your Pro-Choice Friends: An Exhaustive Resource for Pro-Life Arguments

One gray, spring morning, some friends and I were praying outside an abortion clinic when a young couple with heavy faces came walking towards us. The man had his arm...
A Personal Holiness Mnemonic - Blessed Is She

A Personal Holiness Mnemonic

It can be all too easy to look at the world in utter despair. Even as women of faith, we can be tempted to feel profoundly discouraged by the nasty...
A Christian Response to Millennial Burnout: Giving and Receiving Love - Blessed Is She

A Christian Response to Millennial Burnout: Giving and Receiving Love

In January, Anne Helen Peterson called out a disturbing cultural trend in her viral Buzzfeed article "How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation." Peterson explained, "In a marked shift from the...