for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

10 Meaningful and Stress-Free Advent Activities - Blessed Is She

10 Meaningful and Stress-Free Advent Activities

Sometimes, fully living out the season of Advent can seem like a lost cause. With Christmas decorations making an appearance in October and raging consumerism appearing everywhere you turn, it...
Music from the Heart: Celebrating St. Cecilia - Blessed Is She

Music from the Heart: Celebrating St. Cecilia

If you sing well, sing loudly in order to thank God for the gift He has given you. If you don’t sing well, sing even louder to remind Him of...
Worth Celebrating: St. Elizabeth of Hungary - Blessed Is She

Worth Celebrating: St. Elizabeth of Hungary

I've met my own modern-day St. Elizabeth of Hungary. Mary Jo Copeland is the founder of Sharing and Caring Hands, based in the Twin Cities. Mary Jo began serving the...
How to Host a No-Stress "Friendsgiving" - Blessed Is She

How to Host a No-Stress "Friendsgiving"

I love Thanksgiving. I love the meal planning and preparation, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, the football on TV, and of course, the family time! In addition to the big...
Why and How to Host the BIS Advent Gathering - Blessed Is She

Why and How to Host the BIS Advent Gathering

I’m an introvert through and through, but I’m also created for fellowship and connection. In my adult years, this yearning in my heart for connection with other women has pushed...
How to Find a Patron Saint for Your Family - Blessed Is She

How to Find a Patron Saint for Your Family

"Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, pray for us." My southern son stumbles over the Italian name in the adorable way only toddlers can as he concludes our nightly prayer. He may...
Be Not Afraid: JPII and Me - Blessed Is She

Be Not Afraid: JPII and Me

Do you feel like there is a saint in the Church who just "gets" you? Maybe it's your confirmation saint or a saint you discovered while going through a particular...
Sweet and Sour Chicken Confessions - Blessed Is She

Sweet and Sour Chicken Confessions

My affection for sweet and sour chicken did not begin until a few years ago. In simpler times, I preferred macaroni and cheese, chicken tenders, and the occasional peanut butter...
Flower Crown Tutorial for Saint Thérèse's Feast Day - Blessed Is She

Flower Crown Tutorial for Saint Thérèse's Feast Day

I vividly remember the day my mom handed me a book on St. Therese the Little Flower. As a professional reader at age 11, it did not take me long...
A Step-by-Step Guide to Celebrating Michaelmas - Blessed Is She

A Step-by-Step Guide to Celebrating Michaelmas

On the 29th of September the Church celebrates the feast of the Archangels Rafael, Gabriel, and Michael. For centuries this holy day was called Michaelmas, the day the faithful went...
In Quiet Spaciousness: Praying the Liturgy of the Hours - Blessed Is She

In Quiet Spaciousness: Praying the Liturgy of the Hours

A handful of retreatants are already waiting when I arrive at the monastery for Morning Prayer. For the last three days, three times each day, I have walked to the...
Finding Forgiveness: A Guide to Confession - Blessed Is She

Finding Forgiveness: A Guide to Confession

Like many Catholics I know, I had not gone to the Sacrament of Confession for a number of years. The Catholic Church recommends we go at least once a year...