for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

The Father's Love: Felt, Seen, and Believed - Blessed Is She

The Father's Love: Felt, Seen, and Believed

Every year on Father’s Day I get a little sentimental. I can’t help it. You see, I am a daddy’s girl, through and through. I know what it is to...
Lost and Found with St. Anthony - Blessed Is She

Lost and Found with St. Anthony

Saint Anthony, Saint Anthony, please come around. Something is lost and cannot be found! I grew up praying this small prayer whenever I misplaced my keys, a notebook, you name...
Finding Healing from Men in the Sacred Heart of Jesus - Blessed Is She

Finding Healing from Men in the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Two weeks before I got married, I went on a pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi, Italy with my mother, my dear friend, and the priest who was going to marry...
Corpus Christi: The Secret of the Day - Blessed Is She

Corpus Christi: The Secret of the Day

The Eucharist is the secret of my day. It gives strength and meaning to all my activities of service to the church and to the whole world. -Pope St. John...
A Mother's Prayer for Summer - Blessed Is She

A Mother's Prayer for Summer

I’m sure I am not alone in thinking that the winter of 2017/2018 will go down in history as the longest winter ever. Well into April, freezing temperatures and snowfall...
Seeking Conversion in the Beauty of Ordinary Time - Blessed Is She

Seeking Conversion in the Beauty of Ordinary Time

When you set a goal to eat healthily and turn to resources to help you do so, one theme you’ll see repeatedly is that the green smoothies and salads you...
St. Rita: Hope and Honeybees - Blessed Is She

St. Rita: Hope and Honeybees

Have you ever felt like you need a cheerleader? A friend who knows how to speak courage, hope, peace, and possibility to your troubled mind as you agonize over details...
Pentecost and the Mother of the Church - Blessed Is She

Pentecost and the Mother of the Church

The past two years, I’ve prepared my 8th grade students for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Our diocese always schedules this as close to Pentecost as possible. Working with my students,...
What is an Indulgence? - Blessed Is She

What is an Indulgence?

The word “indulgence” always made me feel a little uncomfortable. Growing up Catholic, I knew it was something Martin Luther got upset about when he separated himself from Catholicism back...
What is Marian Consecration? - Blessed Is She

What is Marian Consecration?

As Catholics, we have an incredibly rich spiritual buffet presented to us. Holy Mother Church offers prayers, devotions, liturgies, and traditions that speak to every personality and life stage of...
What I Learned from St. Francis Xavier - Blessed Is She

What I Learned from St. Francis Xavier

This year, the right arm of St. Francis Xavier is travelling across Canada, giving thousands of Catholics the opportunity to venerate the first-class relic of a Saint who is said...
Learning to Love Jesus with St. Gemma Galgani - Blessed Is She

Learning to Love Jesus with St. Gemma Galgani

Let us run to Jesus, Heart of Love, Heart full of tenderness. Let us ask Jesus to give us the riches of His pure love—to breathe only for love, to...