for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

#BISLent // Weekly Lenten Link-Up 4 - Blessed Is She

#BISLent // Weekly Lenten Link-Up 4

We offer a place to come together as a community and document how this Lent is going. Every week, we will open up a link-up for your blog posts, your...
The Overflowing Joy of Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati - Blessed Is She

The Overflowing Joy of Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati

Jesus does not seek only to satisfy us; He wants to fill us to overflowing. He wants His Fullness, the company of the Holy Trinity, to dwell in you. This...
#BISLent // Weekly Lenten Link-Up 3 - Blessed Is She

#BISLent // Weekly Lenten Link-Up 3

Every week, we will open up a link-up for your blog posts, your instagram posts, your thoughts to share with each other as sisters. We will offer a prompt that...
Weekly Wallpaper // 53 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 53

It's the third week of Lent. God reminds us today that He is the I AM. Lean into Him. As a reminder this week, grab this free wallpaper download by...
Weekly Wallpaper // 52 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 52

Exactly one year ago we switched from sending out our wallpapers in the weekly email to uploading them on our site. It's been 52 new wallpapers for your devices to...
Prayers for the Single Life - Blessed Is She

Prayers for the Single Life

During college, I’ve fallen into the trap of thinking I needed to be in a relationship. I felt pitied and ashamed of being single, but after much thought and prayer,...
Catholic Artists and Musicians who Inspire - Blessed Is She

Catholic Artists and Musicians who Inspire

A sweet sister on Twitter asked for a post on Catholic musicians, and since it's one of my favorite topics, I thought it'd be fun to share some of my...
#BISLent // Weekly Lenten Link-Up 2 - Blessed Is She

#BISLent // Weekly Lenten Link-Up 2

On this second Sunday of Lent, we want to offer a place to come together as a community and document how this Lent is going. Every week, we will open...
5 Ways to Achieve Inner Peace - Blessed Is She

5 Ways to Achieve Inner Peace

The world is busy. Long to-do lists, endless extracurricular activities, and plenty of prime-time television abound. And yet, when there’s much to do, value still abides in zipping our lips...
Weekly Wallpaper // 51 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 51

  We're entering our first full week of Lent. Jesus shows us in the gospel that he resists the temptations of the world presented to him by the evil one...
#BISLent // Weekly Lenten Link-Up 1 - Blessed Is She

#BISLent // Weekly Lenten Link-Up 1

On this first Sunday of Lent, we want to offer a place to come together as a community and document how this Lent is going. Every week, we will open...
Weekly Wallpaper // 50 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 50

We are SO excited about how excited so many of you are for Lent this year. What a beautiful time of solitude, of prayer, of fasting, of service of mercy....