for the modern catholic woman

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Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 31 - Blessed Is She

Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 31

On this last day of January 2023, we are sent forth in love.  The fruit of divine intimacy is not only our personal wholeness and holiness, but it spills over into...
Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 30 - Blessed Is She

Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 30

As we enter the final days of this year's Prayer Pledge, let's return to where we began. Our Faith declares that God's very being is love. 

Love is Who He is.

Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 29 - Blessed Is She

Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 29

Love is so demanding.

This is not the truth that our hearts imagine when we picture a lover. As women, our bodies and souls are designed to receive. Thus, our imaginations picture love in this good and beautiful light in which we ourselves are constantly being “poured into.”

Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 28 - Blessed Is She

Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 28

Much of the difficulty I face at this point in my life resides in teaching children obedience, but obedience that stems from trust . . . not obligation or fear. It’s far from easy, but I know that obedience and trust are crucial for accomplishing anything in this world, from healthy relationships to thriving businesses.
Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 27 - Blessed Is She

Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 27

It was a cold February morning, and I had to drag myself to a mandatory “immersion day” for my newly declared major.
Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 26 - Blessed Is She

Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 26

To the world, it may seem counterintuitive that Jesus revealed to the still-a-child Saint Catherine of Siena that she was naught. He prompted this revelation with a question...
Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 25 - Blessed Is She

Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 25

Why does God call us to intimacy, away from everything and everyone to a secluded place alone with Him?
Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 24 - Blessed Is She

Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 24

On the feast of the Annunciation in 1347, a seasoned mother gave birth to twin girls in Siena, Italy. The eldest was named Catherine.
Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 23 - Blessed Is She

Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 23

In my home state of Ohio, winters can be described as wanting. I wish I could romanticize them into ivory winter wonderlands, but the truth is, the sun shines very little from October to April in the buckeye state.
Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 22 - Blessed Is She

Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 22

What might have been going through the woman’s mind at this point? She was left alone with Jesus after He had rescued her from those that sought to condemn her for the sin of adultery. Every other man she had been left alone with had used her. 
Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 21 - Blessed Is She

Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 21

We all have hopes and dreams, imaginings of our happily ever afters. So do the Saints. Saint Gemma dreamed and longed to be a nun. There were times in her life she thought that dream was finally coming to be fulfilled, only to be thwarted at the last minute.
Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 20 - Blessed Is She

Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 20

My mom claims my favorite sentence when I was little was, “I can do it myself.” Though this attitude is helpful as a child learns new skills, as an adult, it can build walls instead of bridges. This attitude has helped me try new things, but has also spilled over into my prayer life at times.