for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 23 - Blessed Is She

By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 23

Traditionally, Saturdays are dedicated to Our Blessed Mother. As we conclude our meditations on the Fruits of the Sorrowful Mysteries, we can ask Our Lady of Sorrows for the grace to give ourselves—mind, will, and heart—to God.
By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 22 - Blessed Is She

By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 22

The saints have said that at the end of our lives, we will be judged on how we have loved, especially how we have loved the most underprivileged among us. The Lord allowed Himself to be nailed to the Cross, to be humiliated and abused beyond our imagining.
By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 21 - Blessed Is She

By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 21

Many of us have had seasons in our lives when we were not sure how we would get through the day. Faced with life's inexplicable and sudden burdens, our legs buckle and hearts tremble. Our Lord also knew the crushing weight of darkness, of sin. He bore all of it, carrying the Holy Cross up Mount Calvary. 
By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 20 - Blessed Is She

By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 20

In the previous Mystery, we reflected on the purity of Our Lord and Our Lady's intention: their singleheartedness. In the Crowning with Thorns we see the truth: “He was tested as we are in every way but did not sin†(Hebrews 4:15).
By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 19 - Blessed Is She

By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 19

The Saints and mystics recount the tremendous love with which Our Lord embraced His Passion and Death. Imagine the unflinching, resolute love that kept Jesus tied to that pillar, lash after agonizing lash. The vastness of His love is unfathomable. He endured it all to win salvation for each person—it was for you, dear sister in Christ. 
By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 18 - Blessed Is She

By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 18

The First Sorrowful Mystery // The Agony in the Garden Fruit of the Mystery // Conformity to the Will of God Reflect The night before my perpetual vows, in my...
By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 17 - Blessed Is She

By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 17

As human beings, we naturally run from suffering—because we are made for perfect goodness, truth, and beauty. We are made for union with God.
By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 16 - Blessed Is She

By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 16

Each of the Fruits of the Luminous Mysteries—The Baptism in the Jordan, The Wedding at Cana, The Proclamation the Kingdom, The Transfiguration, and The Institution of the Eucharist—give us a moment in Jesus’ public ministry to reflect on and see how the work He performed 2,000 years ago is present to us today in our own circumstances. 
By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 15 - Blessed Is She

By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 15

I didn’t exactly understand what we were doing at the chapel during Eucharistic Adoration as a pre-teen, but I knew it had to be something really special because it was so quiet and peaceful.
By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 14 - Blessed Is She

By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 14

As a child, I thought holiness was only available to those who lived in convents or were cloistered in some remote mountain top experiencing absolute solitude praying for the rest of us poor sinners down below. That image I had about holiness changed as I grew in my faith. 
By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 13 - Blessed Is She

By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 13

What a great opportunity these past couple of months have offered us to exhibit charity, forgiveness, love of neighbor, compassion, and dying of self.
By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 12 - Blessed Is She

By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 12

During my third pregnancy I felt Mary’s fiat repeating in prayer. Her humble “yes†to everything that unfolded in her life in being the mother of Our Savior and King left me contemplating the areas of my life where I had delayed or stifled saying “yes†out of worry or doubt.Â