for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Holy Saturday // Recollection, Silence, and Hope - Blessed Is She

Holy Saturday // Recollection, Silence, and Hope

Growing up, I treated Holy Saturday as an early start to Easter. It may not have been the actual celebration of Easter, but I breathed a sigh of relief for...
The Thin Place of Good Friday - Blessed Is She

The Thin Place of Good Friday

Today marks the darkest day of the Church year. It is the sobering remembrance of the Word Incarnate, crucified. Liturgically, it is the only day of the entire year that...
Ideas for Participating in Lent - Blessed Is She

Ideas for Participating in Lent

Last Easter, I distinctly remember getting dumped with snow, spending a large part of the day online (whether Zoom or Mass), and scratching my head about what just happened to...
The Lent Diet - Blessed Is She

The Lent Diet

I remember sitting in the dining room of my sorority house one day as I ate lunch. A few of my sorority sisters were standing around, and I was paying...
How to Figure Out What to Do for Lent - Blessed Is She

How to Figure Out What to Do for Lent

Lent is but a few weeks away, and you might be starting to wonder, "What am I going to do for Lent?!" This question proves to be stressful for many...
How the Lord Has Gently Purified Me - Blessed Is She

How the Lord Has Gently Purified Me

This past Lent was the most transformative one I’ve experienced. It coincided with my Ovarian Wedge Resection recovery. During those forty days, Christ healed me not only physically, but spiritually....
The Heart Behind Our 2021 Lent Devotional - Blessed Is She

The Heart Behind Our 2021 Lent Devotional

This Lent, we are inviting you to offer your hearts over to the Holy Spirit to experience the transformation of His fiery love. In Set a Fire, we explore the...
Set a Fire: Praying through Lent with the BIS Sisterhood - Blessed Is She

Set a Fire: Praying through Lent with the BIS Sisterhood

After Jesus was baptized by His cousin, Saint John the Baptist, Scripture tells us that the Holy Spirit immediately drove Him into the desert. Here, Jesus spent 40 days praying...
Our Mission Has Not Changed - Blessed Is She

Our Mission Has Not Changed

What a strange time we are all experiencing. Walking outside of our convent—which is on our school and parish grounds—I'm met with quiet. We are used to the sounds of...
Blessed is She Easter Basket Ideas - Blessed Is She

Blessed is She Easter Basket Ideas

The Church's greatest feast is just around the corner! This year, Easter Sunday will likely look different for many of us. But Jesus still conquers death. The tomb is still...
Meaningful Ways to Celebrate Holy Week at Home - Blessed Is She

Meaningful Ways to Celebrate Holy Week at Home

This Lent has been like no other. On Ash Wednesday, we began with a plan for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. But less than three weeks into Lent, life turned upside...
Breaking the Binge - Blessed Is She

Breaking the Binge

I recently got a Netflix account. I know, it’s been around a while. But I have been trying to avoid it, as I have heard so many people talk about...