for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Saints to Turn to When You Can't Sleep - Blessed Is She

Saints to Turn to When You Can't Sleep

Some nights—and for a few of us, most nights—are restless and sleepless. Whether our lack of sleep is due to anxiety, a crying baby, a sick child, or a reason...
The Problem with Toxic Shame - Blessed Is She

The Problem with Toxic Shame

In His goodness, God has turned the shame I carried all my life into His fame. He has made me into a survivor with a purpose: to let men and...
Catholic Prayers for New Beginnings - Blessed Is She

Catholic Prayers for New Beginnings

As the academic year comes to a close, it can feel like we are on the cusp of something new, long after we find ourselves counting down the days until...
Hope, Anyway - Blessed Is She

Hope, Anyway

I’m a big fan of Spiderman and all the Spiderman movies. I love the action, the characters, the morals, and the dialogue. One part of the movies that has stuck...
Who's at Your Thanksgiving Table this Year? - Blessed Is She

Who's at Your Thanksgiving Table this Year?

We are moved to give during the Christmas season and may restrain from going overboard on the Christmas gifts because of our awareness of others going without. Our culture emphasizes...
One Year In - Blessed Is She

One Year In

On March 27, 2020, a rainy evening in Rome, Pope Francis stood overlooking an eerily-empty Saint Peter’s Square. Around the entire world, Catholics set aside their work and woke from...
Healed and Restored - Blessed Is She

Healed and Restored

I first shared my story on Sunday, May 20, 2018: the Feast of Pentecost. That moment came after God sent a number of holy people into my life to help...