for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Ladies' Night Tips + Ideas - Blessed Is She

Ladies' Night Tips + Ideas

A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter: he that has found one has found a treasure. There is nothing so precious as a faithful friend. -Sirach 6:14-15   Where Two...
What We Hope Women Receive (+ Give) from Misericordia - Blessed Is She

What We Hope Women Receive (+ Give) from Misericordia

One of the central pieces to the mission of Blessed is She is helping women find and create Catholic community. We love our online community, and we've been amazed by...
The Richness of the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy - Blessed Is She

The Richness of the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy

Christ's presence in the Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of our Catholic Faith (Lumen Gentium, 11). The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that one of the fruits...
The Ministry of Smiles - Blessed Is She

The Ministry of Smiles

Moving has many advantages that are not easily recognizable when you see the long list of places we have lived. The closets get cleaned out more often, our wardrobes can...
The Power of Prayer Partners - Blessed Is She

The Power of Prayer Partners

The promising sunshine eased my nerves as my Uber dropped me off at the first Blessed is She retreat in 2016. Uncertain of what to expect, I was handed girly...
Transitioning from College: Tips + Encouragement - Blessed Is She

Transitioning from College: Tips + Encouragement

Congratulations! You graduated from college! All the studying, cramming, stressing, writing and test taking is over! You’ve worn the cap and gown, and you listened to the famous commencement speaker....
The Vision Behind Our Catholic Prayer Book for Kids - Blessed Is She

The Vision Behind Our Catholic Prayer Book for Kids

The first people to ask us for a devotional for children were, in fact, our own children. Their sentiments were echoed from the amazing women in our community and in...
A Litany for Female Friendships - Blessed Is She

A Litany for Female Friendships

I was scrolling through social media and came across a meme that read: Your circle should want you to win. Your circle should clap the loudest when you have good...
Why We Hope Our Kids Rise Up - Blessed Is She

Why We Hope Our Kids Rise Up

We all have children in our lives in some capacity. We are moms, aunts, big sisters, teachers, godmothers, parish volunteers, and foster parents. In our work with children—whatever that looks...
Why We Go and Tell - Blessed Is She

Why We Go and Tell

The Easter season is here, sisters! After a long, beautiful, difficult, redemptive Lent and profound Triduum, we have arrived at the celebration of the pinnacle of our Faith: the Resurrection...
Embracing the Millennial Catholic Mission - Blessed Is She

Embracing the Millennial Catholic Mission

It’s no secret that fewer and fewer millennials attend Mass and identify as practicing Catholics. To some, this may seem like a crisis. To others, this may seem like a...
How Parishes Can Support New Female Converts - Blessed Is She

How Parishes Can Support New Female Converts

At the parish I work at, one of my new responsibilities is overseeing the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). While there were a few learning curves, the experience...