“Dada? Dada?” my son calls in his sweet, high voice. Leaning to peer out the window, his tiny feet stand tiptoe on his favorite stepstool. His bright blue eyes look hopefully down the street in the direction from which my husband always walks home from work.
“Dada!” he exclaims with joy as soon as his father comes into view. “Hi, Dada! Hi, Dada!” My son wastes no time as my husband walks in the door. Before my beloved can even remove his backpack, our son reaches up and wraps his little arms around his father in the biggest hug he is capable of giving.
The love of a child is complete and deeply sincere. A child is innately faithful to her parents, for a child knows the love of those who care and provide for her. A child trusts. A child runs to her father and mother in need, relying upon them for care, for support, for love. Oh, that we might become more like children in our relationship with our Heavenly Father, in our relationship with Jesus.
In the Gospel today, Jesus blesses the children. “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14) The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who run to Jesus, who seek His blessing. It belongs to those who find refuge in Him. In this is fullness of joy, sisters. This is the path of life! The blessing and love we receive from Him is freely given—we cannot do anything to earn it—but we must run to Him, like children. We must not let our sinfulness, our hurt, our fear keep us from Him. Jesus is always waiting for us, sisters, ready to embrace us with open arms. This is our inheritance.
Do you go to the Lord for blessing, for refuge? Quiet your heart this day. Place yourself in His presence. Feel Jesus gently lay His hands upon you, and allow Him to bless you.
The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who find refuge in Him. // @inendlesssongClick to tweet
Elise Howe is a devoted wife, momma, vocal artist and teacher. She currently resides in New York City, though she will always be a Midwestern gal at heart. Elise has a heart for ministry, dark chocolate (but not too dark) and coffee with a generous amount of cream + sugar. Find out more about her here.