None of us have only one identity. At least, I don’t. I have numerous identities and they have evolved over time as I’ve grown and lived.
Daughter. Sister. Friend. Goddaughter. Student. Athlete. Undergraduate. Roommate. Graduate. Wife. Mother. Dentist. Catholic. Sinner. Child of God.
Sometimes I feel more rooted in only one of these; sometimes I feel like I am all of these at once. I am me.
In all my internal mess—there dwells in me a complex and evolving person. Finding out who that person is, where she is going, and (most importantly) how she is serving our Lord—is what I strive for (and often fail at), daily.
Today's Gospel shows Christ's deep confidence in His identity as Son of God, fully human but also fully Divine. While we struggle to know ourselves, and to grow closer to God, Christ was God from the very beginning. His identity is perfection personified. He is wholly, completely One with the Father. He does not have to sift through evolving personas or changing circumstances. He is the Lord, our God. Perfectly perfect. The only One who is.
My prayer for you today, for me today, for all of us today—may we come closer to that one identity that is most important of all: daughter of Christ. May all of our other identities only bring us closer to the one that matters most. In whatever stage of life you are in and whatever vocation you’ve been called to, may it be in the service of Christ.
Use your imperfections, passions, relationships, failures, virtues, and dreams to bring you closer to the One who is perfect. The One who has saved us all. Forever and ever. Amen.
Samantha Aguinaldo-Wetterholm is a wife, mom of two, and dentist currently living in The Bay Area, California. You can find out more about her here.