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Given by God for His Glory

Given by God for His Glory

I used to think humility meant never accepting a compliment or believing I was uniquely good at anything in particular. Being humble seemed like a command to recognize I wasn’t...
October 31, 2020
Do You Feel Like You're in the Thorns?

Do You Feel Like You're in the Thorns?

If worrying were a sport, I’d be in the Olympics. And I would take home the gold. From the time I was a child, I’ve had an anxious personality. So...
September 19, 2020
When You Feel like the 99 Left Behind

When You Feel like the 99 Left Behind

“Those aren’t from the cats.” I was referring to the cuts all over my little sister’s legs. The same cuts she had previously told my parents were from our pets....
August 11, 2020