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Dropping the Nets and the Sins, Too - Blessed Is She

Dropping the Nets and the Sins, Too

I imagine the gaze of Jesus would have been captivating. His eyes revealed a love that would transform sinners into Saints, raise the dead to life, and make fishermen drop...
November 30, 2019
Kingdom Living - Blessed Is She

Kingdom Living

In today's First Reading (Daniel 7:2-14), Daniel saw thousands and thousands ministering to the Ancient One on His throne. Myriads of myriads attended to Him. Let’s pause here, and look...
November 29, 2019
Giving Thanks Every Day - Blessed Is She

Giving Thanks Every Day

Thanksgiving. A day to give thanks. To recognize the goodness that surrounds us. To truly take a moment to be grateful for all that our life holds. I pause today...
November 28, 2019
Law Review, Crucifixes, and the Real Gift - Blessed Is She

Law Review, Crucifixes, and the Real Gift

"[F]or I myself shall give you a wisdom in speaking that all your adversaries will be powerless to resist or refute" (Luke 21:15). The smell of recently disinfected classroom wafted...
November 27, 2019
A Deep Preparation for the Liturgical New Year - Blessed Is She

A Deep Preparation for the Liturgical New Year

When January 1 rolls around, there's a lot of talk about New Year's resolutions—and I know that there are a lot of thoughts and feelings about them (some good, some...
November 26, 2019
Seriously Attached but Seriously Desiring Him - Blessed Is She

Seriously Attached but Seriously Desiring Him

I painfully admit that I am seriously attached the stuff in my life. I can’t imagine losing it all. I don’t know why it is so hard for me to...
November 25, 2019
A New Kind of King - Blessed Is She

A New Kind of King

The taunts in today’s Gospel (Luke 23:35-43) are interesting ones. They are not false statements; Jesus IS the Chosen One, the Christ, the King. Can something that is true still...
November 24, 2019
God of the Fully Alive - Blessed Is She

God of the Fully Alive

I’ll be bold: I think I had a “mini-vision.” It happened on the Mount of Beatitudes. Some years after my divorce, on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, on our...
November 23, 2019
Worshipping His True Presence with All My Joy - Blessed Is She

Worshipping His True Presence with All My Joy

I love walking into an empty, dark church, preferably one that smells of musty hymnals, beeswax, and aged incense that has seeped into the walls. I love seeing only the...
November 22, 2019
Do You Give Your Gift as an Offering? - Blessed Is She

Do You Give Your Gift as an Offering?

Think about a person, situation, or a material item that you have or own that you prayed for with great fervor. Name the blessing aloud. What emotions come up when...
November 21, 2019
Mission Not-So-Impossible - Blessed Is She

Mission Not-So-Impossible

I can still remember the disappointment I felt as the woman I had spoken with walked away. She was sharing about a problem and my first instinct was to share...
November 20, 2019
To Be Seen and Known - Blessed Is She

To Be Seen and Known

In today's Gospel, we hear of Zacchaeus who is “short in stature” and climbs a tree to see Jesus. (See Luke 19:3.) Countless times I stood on a kneeler as...
November 19, 2019