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He Is Waiting
I knelt with my two girls in Mass today and just breathed in the love. It was at the tail end of the Liturgy of the Eucharist and we had...
From the Cross to the Resurrection
One Thursday in Lent I made a trip to my doctor's office. Unbeknownst to me, she was really, really behind schedule. As the minutes ticked by in that perpetual waiting...
Their Story, His Story, Our Story
This is the story of salvation history. And because Christ died for your sins, this is your history, too. "In the beginning . . . " In the beginning God...
Do Not Look Away
How easy it is to skip the hard part when we know what happens on Sunday. We are tempted in our humanity to gloss over the anguish and sting of...
Not Afraid to Be Humble
On the morning of my college graduation, my fellow graduates and I gathered on the long shaded walkway leading to the auditorium. Inside, our family and friends were waiting; outside,...
Don’t Betray His Love
Tomorrow evening starts the Easter Triduum, which is considered the summit of the Liturgical Year. For some of us, we feel hope as we glimpse the finish line of a...
The Beloved and the Betrayer
Do you ever have certain memories or conversations from your childhood that just stand out? I remember driving somewhere with my Mom once. We were talking about Jesus' death on...
Which Gifts Are Given to You?
A few days before my brother moved to Luxembourg for a work assignment, he invited me, my husband, and several of his close friends to dinner at an upscale restaurant....
Drop Your Expectations
Every Ash Wednesday I prepare to begin my Lent with lofty goals and intense spiritual work alongside physical things I plan to sacrifice. We’ve all made those lists—full of extra...
Those Sneaky Idols
One God. Proclaiming the unity, the wholeness, the One Nation for which He originally created us. Two Nations. A divided people, each obstinately set in their ways. Sound familiar? Yep....
Unwilling To Be Rescued
In today’s Gospel, we encounter two very different reactions to Jesus’ good works and miracles. The first was anger and indignation. These people were ready to kill Jesus right then...
Hiding Statues and Seeking Jesus
Holy Week is coming. And with it, the reading of the Passion. Every year, I stand up in Mass with everyone around me and we, the crowd, shout, “Crucify Him!”...